
Body as a playground

At last, Jasmine agreed to let her father carry her after Jia Li kissed her on her cheek and urged her.

"Why are you shirtless?" Jia Li asked after handing the little bun to him.

"I felt so hot, so..." Fu Hua said with a wink.

"Please take off her jacket and cap, I will be right back." Jia Li said and walked into the inner room.

After Jia Li disappeared, Jasmine turned her gaze to her father. The way she looked at him so innocently, made Fu Hua smile and kiss her all over her face.

"Princess, you're so cute, just like your mother." Fu Hua said as he made her sit on the bed, before going on to take off her thick clothes.

The little bun seemed to not be in the mood to laugh or play with her father.

As Fu Hua took off her jackets, gloves and cap, he said to her, "Princess, are you sad? Don't be, your mother is not angry with you, even if she is, it won't last for long. Cheer up and play with me."
