
Spoilt. Clingy. Jealous

Jade lay stomach down on the bed, with her head turned to the side on the pillow and let out a deep sigh as she thought about what Candace and Andy had just told her.

The words Andy and Candace had said to her earlier echoed in her mind, their gentle admonishments cutting deeper than she cared to admit.

She knew they meant well, and knew that their concern stemmed from a place of love, but still, her feelings were bruised.

"Spoilt…. Clingy…. Jealous...." The words hung in the air, weighing heavily on her heart.

She couldn't deny the truth in their words, couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that perhaps they were right.

She loved Harry more than anything, wanted nothing more than to spend every waking moment by his side, but she couldn't shake the feeling of insecurity that gnawed at her insides.
