
Where Is She?

Harry stood by the door of his father's bedroom and watched as Aaron thrashed on the bed restlessly in his sleep for some seconds like he was having a bad dream, before staying still.

Thanks to the sleeping pills the doctor had prescribed along with medication for his heart, Aaron had dozed off some hours ago, but he didn't seem to be having a very peaceful sleep.

Harry's eyes moved to his father's broken phone, which he had picked up and had tried to put together after his father fell asleep, and he couldn't help but wonder who the lady was that had been calling him earlier and why his father had reacted so violently. Was the lady blackmailing him? Harry mused.

The only thing that stopped him from picking up his father's phone and finding the woman's phone number to do a background search on her and find out who she was and what she wanted was that fact that he didn't want to offend his father in anyway by interfering in his private business. 
