
69. Kids Caught By Daddy.

On the same day that Arra got an understanding from his mother about his eldest brother, and on the same day that Kevin came home late at night because of an additional task studying from his father and spoke cruelly to Fian to get rid of and make Kevin aware of the problem from the start with keep getting Kevin in trouble.

/Hello, Bro. Good night, can I call me, I'm not feeling well?/

/I need your advice as much as before./

Kevin got a message from Arra, the girl might have been asleep, because the message was sent three hours ago, and Kevin didn't expect Arra to still be asleep.

Hey, tell me what's bothering you. I'll help you, are you okay?

Kevin typed a message hoping he would go to bed early because he didn't want to be in trouble if he would wake up late and make his father scold him again. If you reprimand each other face to face, Kevin will find it easy.
