

By no means was history supposed to be altered. Interfering with time leads to higher debt consequences. As of now, numerous timelines fell in the hands of this unavoidable catastrophe and it didn't stop there. The number kept rising up. Because of this, history was being altered and soon, things were going to turn out bad for Son Goku of the Seventh Universe.

In the Universe 6v7 Tournament led by both Destroyer Gods, there was a huge change. Son Goku, who stacked the Kaio-Ken x10 on top of SSJ Blue, was holding off fine against the infamous Assassin of Universe 6, Hit. The final match that decides a winning universe was concluded. With Son Goku pulling off the win for Universe 7. But that wasn't supposed to happen. In the original event, he was planning to fall out of the ring due to his limited time of using the Kaio-Ken and after, dealing with the pain from using it for too long.

With Goku ringing himself out, the "Strongest Fighter" that Beerus fought, was supposed to be up next. Seeing as though Monaka isn't quite the fighter from appearance alone, Hit was supposed to fly out the ring all dramatically as a way to pay back his debt to Goku. But instead, their fight took a huge turn. SSBKK times ten Goku had blasted a full powered Kamehameha to Hit, who was in the air, to end the match.

After the conclusion to the fight and Beerus's wish for Universe 6's Earth's revival, Goku and friends manage to settle down back at Capsule Corp while Beerus and Whis returned to their planet, after stuffing themselves silly as usual.

Capsule Corp...

"Hahaha, man! There's nothing greater than to eat as much as you want right after finishing up a tournament. It's true, I love fighting because I want to fight the strongest there is, but I also love the food that comes after working a good sweat!" Goku pats his belly from overeating too much.

"Well, I'd say you guys earned it, Goku. That Hit guy from Universe 6 was really something, wasn't he? If I'm going to be honest, I wasn't sure if you were going to pull off the win. With the way he took my Vegeta down, I thought our Earth was doom!" Bulma said, feeling relieved that their universe won.

"Hmph, Time Skip... If my fight with him had continued to press on, I would've picked up the same idea Kakarot did! Garggh!" a furious Vegeta bites his chicken leg ferociously after thinking about his defeat to Hit.

"Hey, cheer up, babe. I know you could've beaten Hit if you went after Goku. That's nothing my big strong prince couldn't do. If you know what I'm getting at, haha." Bulma had one eye closed, giggling as she was teasing her husband.

"Bulma..." Vegeta was a bit red from Bulma's teasing game, "Still, to think he could improve like Saiyan. He would fit better as a Saiyan seeing as though he's a warrior at heart. It's not that hard to tell. Hell, he would've loved a good fight as any other Saiyan would."

"Yup, yup! Vegeta's right! If there's one thing to take accounted for, it's that we LOVE to fight! There's nothing like wanting to fight someone strong because it makes my blood boil!"

"Sigh,* I know all that and speaking of love... Goku, I'm just wondering about this, are you ever gonna find another woman since you know... You and Chi-Chi broke up? I mean... It wasn't like you to do something like that... No offense but you're not the sharpest tool in the shed."

The breakup happened two days right after SSJ Blue Goku eliminated Frieza with the Kamehameha during the end of the Resurrection of F arc. Constant nags and complaining were coming from Chi-Chi nonstop after somehow finding out Goten was there at the scene of the crime. Strangely enough, Goku had snapped. For whatever reason, Goku started acting very differently than how he normally acts. With it being so unexpected, he demanded a divorce. Chi-Chi had no idea why or how he came up with such a thing but it happened. Thanks to the divorce, Chi-Chi lost custody over Goten as he and Goku stayed at Gohan's place.

"That's a good question, Bulma. Probably not! Love was never on my mind really. Unless we're talking about food, then hell yeah! I love food!"

"Heh... Typical. Listen, I don't expect you to know what love is since you're a fighting freak, but if you're somewhat interested, go speak to your son Gohan about it. After all, he does have a wife and kid." Bulma suggested.

"Gee, Bulma. Do you really think I should? I don't really know if I should though... It's not in my area for that sort of thing..." Goku wasn't considering the thought of love.

"Haha, oh this is just rich. A clown looking for love advice from his son? Haha!" the thought of Goku looking for love advice puts a smile on Vegeta's face.

"Hey! Stop being mean, Vegeta! It's not Goku's fault he's an idiot. He's been that way since we first met! Don't blame him for not being experienced in that sort of that thing, you big dummy!"

"When pigs fly, Bulma. I don't expect Kakarot of all people to find another woman right off the bat. It's not in his nature to do so!"

"Y-You know I'm standing right here, you guys..."

"Okay... And?" Vegeta & Bulma said, giving him the eyebrow.

"Um... Well, I'm going to go use the bathroom. I'll be back!" he stood up from his seat and went inside to find the nearest bathroom.

The moment Goku went inside, that was the cue for Vegeta & Bulma to spark their own conversation. Mostly about the strange behavior in Goku over the past few days.

"So, do you have a clue as to what's wrong with him, Vegeta? Since Frieza's defeat, Goku's been acting all strange..."

"Your guess is as good as mine. Kakarot's an idiot most of the time since that's his character, but to use big words and get extremely pissed off at his wife, it's... Very un-Saiyan like."

"Yeah, no kidding... I wonder what goes on inside his mind. For what it's worth, I just hope it's not something major to frap over of."

"Hmph. Kakarot may have suddenly change but this change in him doesn't affect our rivalry. At least I hope it doesn't. I can't be number one if all of a sudden he decides to give up fighting for good."

"Mhm. Just for the sake of it, Vegeta, let's keep an eye out for him. I mean, who knows what else he might do that'll raise the unexpected bar, okay?"

"Fine. If you're that worried about Kakarot, then I'll help you watch out for him. But, when he's right in the head as he usually is, I'll stop watching him and fight him to take back what's mine!"

"Done deal, sweetie." Bulma smiled at him.

Afternoon, Gohan's Place...

As instructed by Bulma, Goku teleported to Gohan's house to ask about love advice. Both the Saiyans were in the living room, sitting on the couch as the love talk was about to begin...

"I don't see why not, Dad. I'd be happy to tell you all about it. But, I'm just wondering here... Why are you so interested? Is it because you're easily influenced by Bulma or something?"

"Hehe, you got me there, Gohan." laughing it off, Goku scratches the back of his head, "Since before and after the tournament with Beerus' brother, Bulma's been nagging me about finding a new 'person' in my life. Which is weird, I don't want to... But..."

"But...?" Gohan followed after.

"Other than Bulma telling me, I suddenly have this feeling I've got to try it out. You know, that saying? Trying out new things? If you're able to, Gohan, you'll do me a huge favor here."

"Sure, you are my dad after all. But fair warning, you're going to be in one heck of a ride."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah. I don't mind. But uh, let me get some snacks!" Goku said, running to the fridge, he grabbed a fair amount and proceeded to let Gohan have the floor.

For 20 plus minutes of explaining what love is and what he can benefit from it, Goku got the gist of it down. Hearing how love can boost one's strength, Goku was super intrigued. The talk about friendship, loved ones, and the power to protect by thinking about family and loved ones, Goku wanted to know if something like that was already playing out.

"I-I had no idea... And you feel that well towards Videl, Gohan?" Goku looks at him with a sausage hanging out.

"To her and Pan too. Not to mention you, Goten & even mom. Do you feel that way with me?"

"Of course I do. I'm not sure if I feel it though..." Goku was quite confused about that part.

"Well, I'd be happy to explain more of this to you if you like."

"Oh, please do! I'm really eager to learn more."

The front door opens up and the person coming in was the wife of Son Gohan. It was none other than the daughter of the people's champ, Videl Satan. Getting up from the couch, Gohan welcomed her home as the caring husband he is.

"Welcome home, Videl!" he greeted Videl with a kiss to the lips.

"Gohan, I was only gone for about 20 minutes. Sometimes you worry too much." Videl smiles.

"I do, huh? Sorry, Videl. I guess I'm just a worry wart most of the time. Whenever you're out, I feel as though time goes by slowly."

"Hehe, don't be." Videl kissed him back, "It's very cute of you to do that."

"Da!" Pan, who was in Videl's arms, said.

"Hey there, Pan! How's my favorite daughter doing!"

"DA!" Pan started hovering over Gohan and flew past him to the living where his grandfather resides.

"Uh, Pan!" both Videl and Gohan chased after their child into the living room. Coming in, they saw Pan being thrown in the air by her grandfather, Goku.

"Hey, there you two, this your kid?" Goku smiles at them.

"Goku? I mean um, Dad..." Videl said. "I didn't know you'd be here, I thought you were with mister Whis. Guess he's not in session huh?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid not, Videl."

"Well, it's great that you're here. Where's Goten?"

"He's hanging out with Trunks at Capsule Corp. Something about wanting to sleep over for the night..."

"Well, then you're just in the nick of time. I'm just about to set up dinner, would you mind babysitting Pan while I make us dinner?"

"Would I?!" Goku's eyes sparked from the anticipation of Videl's cooking.
