
~ 179: Ruin - Part 2 ~

The shadow, which should have been comforting and a pleasure to look at, had become a haunting ghost that one wanted to run away from and wished it would begone. With the street lights illuminating his face, one could see that the darkness on his face had not only just descended but was to stay there for a long time.

His beautiful emerald eyes had become a colour that none on this earth could describe except that it kept shifting based on the person in front of him. When they suddenly turned blue and had their pupils contracted into those of a cat's, I immediately stepped back and pulled Lucas away from his sight.

"Dare not come any closer," I warned him by removing the knife that I kept hidden underneath my sleeve and clutching it powerfully whilst standing in a stance. "If you knew the truth, you wouldn't dare to come any nearer than you are. In all honesty, you would actually be running the other way from which you came from."
