
~ 153: A Way To Release - Part 2 ~

I gulped at his statement which had spiked my heart rate. With the way it was running, I hadn't needed any of the warmups that he had made me do. I shook my head, arms and legs a few times to get my flustered self to return to normal.

"I'm your worst enemy here," he announced, snapping my attention to him as I felt challenged. "Bring everything you have to beat me. You have more brains than brawn, so use it well."

We were hardly a few minutes into it when I was already on top of him, panting, with my knife at his throat. He heaved with a smile on his lips before bursting into laughter.

Then he said, "Today, I must have lost my mind. You still seem sane enough to be holding yourself together."

"Then go easy on me," I said with a smirk. "I want to win this whole training and receive a reward in return."

"As if that will happen."
