
~ 109: A Place With More Foes Than Companions - Part 8 ~

"How could you guess?" I asked, a few seconds before he entered through the open doors at the front of the hall, perhaps waiting for me to go in first. "And what of the poison in your body?"

"Let's say that it was because I used to deal with such drugs before," he replied. "As for the latter, I have been resistant to such poisons for a long time after having worked with them."

His response to my first question created the doubt of him being a leader of the Mafia who now sat on the throne of Vitalis. It couldn't be that the poison had some particular taste when mixed. That is unless the lady had been clumsy enough to leave bits of it on the side of the glass where the tongue or lips could reach without the liquid bringing it in.

"If you were a pharmacist, how come you cannot cure yourself?" I said with a scoff. "Looks like you are not very well-equipped in that field as you are in dealing with people in your painful way."
