

"You know what, we have done so much walking that it's killing" said Maddie as she groaned and she stopped walking, she was just so tired, they were lucky that the sun was not shining very brightly, or else she would have been sweating by now.

"If I don't lose weight by the time that we are done with this, then there is a serious problem somewhere" said Maddie as Matt handed her water bottle to her as she drank from it.

One day would have been fine, two as well, three was bearable but five days?? Five days was just a lot, they had been going on now for five days, they were doing the same things, while continuing along, it was just so boring and tiring.

"Oh Maddie, relax, besides, I don't think that you need to lose any weight, you look fine to me" said Annie as she could not help but laugh.

"Aww thank you Annie, but it's the truth, I think we have walked over thousands of miles now, and we still haven't reached out goal, it is rather alarming if you ask me" said Maddie as she handed her water bottle back to Matt.

"I get you" said Annie as she laughed and she walked to Curtis.

"Here Curtis, you need to drink water as well, staying hydrated is good for you" said Annie as she handed Curtis his water bottle and Curtis just did as she said because he did not want her arguing with him, and then treating him like a child.

"There" said Curtis as he finished drinking his water and Annie smiled, that was better.

"Anyway, we need to keep on going now" said Curtis as he started to walk.

"Wait, is that a forest I see?" asked Ollie as he looked ahead, yes that was a forest.

"Yes, that does look like a forest" said Matt as he looked ahead, it looked like there would no longer be open ground, they would have to cut through the forest.

Annie looked at Curtis, as if asking him if he knew that there was going to be a forest here.

"There was no forest shown on the map" replied Curtis as he was also surprised, as far as he knew, there was not supposed to be any forest here, but it would seem that his thoughts were wrong.

"I don't think that we are going to stop just because of a forest" said Maddie as Curtis turned to look at her.

"Of course not, we will just go through it" said Curtis.

"Umm Curtis, I don't know if that's a good idea" said Ollie.

"I agree, the forest looks very deep, I thought it would a easy enter and out sort of thing" said Matt as he could see thick green trees as they walked closer and closer to the forest.

"We will be fine" replied Curtis.

"Well alright then, if you say so" said Ollie as after all, Curtis was the one in charge.

"There better not be any bugs here" said Maddie as she made sure to step carefully.

"There are no animals on Caligo" said Curtis as he walked ahead.

"Sure, you say that, but you didn't know that this forest existed, so who's to say that there aren't bugs here as well?" asked Maddie as she smiled.

"Hmm" replied Curtis.

"The forest is very thick" said Matt as barely any sunlight was being let in through the tall thick trees, he doubted that they would be able to get out of this forest today, which meant that they would spent the night in this forest.

"Once nighttime comes, we will need some sort of light" said Matt as he could see no clear area anywhere, it would be dangerous to try to make a fire in here, there was a risk of burning down the forest.

"Not to worry, I have a torch light" said Ollie as he smiled, he knew that his mother was right when she said that he should be ready for anything and everything.

"You seem to have everything" said Maddie as she scoffed, if only he had a way out of her, and for them to get Annie's powers back, then maybe, just maybe, she would like him a little bit.

"My mother says that you need to be ready for everything, which is why she helped me pack for this trip" said Ollie as he smiled, he started to think about his mother, he missed her, and he also missed his Father as well, he could not wait to get back and tell them about everything.

"Your mother packed your bags for you, what a prince" said Maddie as she scoffed and she stepped on the twigs on the ground as they made a cracking sound, she was happy that she was wearing her leather boots right no.

"What? Hasn't your mother ever helped you pack your bags before?" asked Ollie as he did not seem to notice the warning gaze that Matt was trying to give him.

"No!" replied Maddie as she raised her voice.

"Why would she? I don't need her to, I can do it myself of course" said Maddie as Ollie was surprised by the way she raised her voice, did he say something wrong or what?? He had never heard her sound so angry before.

"Alright…" said Ollie as he did not know what to say, he could tell that Maddie was upset, she just walked ahead.

Ollie looked at Matt as Matt just shook his head at him, while Ollie wondered what he said that was wrong?? All he did was ask a very innocent question.

"What did I do?" asked Ollie in confusion as Matt did not reply to him at all he just walked ahead, leaving Ollie thinking on just what he did or said that was wrong?

The sun was starting to set, and in the forest it was already getting very dark, which made it almost impossible for them to see anything.

"We should stop now, it is getting late, and we can't see anything" said Curtis.

"I agree with you Curtis" said Ollie as he searched through his bag.

"Matt, I don't suppose that you have night vision now do you?" asked Ollie.

"No I don't" replied Matt.

"Of course, that's a werewolf thing" said Ollie as he brought out his torch light and he switched it on as he shone it in Maddie's eyes accidentally.

"Are you trying to get killed or what?" asked Maddie in annoyance as Ollie quickly moved the light away from her eyes.

"Ahh, sorry, I didn't see you there, it's so dark" said Ollie apologetically.

"Hmm right, what an excuse to try to make my blind" said Maddie as she scoffed.

Ollie was just quiet, he had already made her upset today, and she was acting weirdly, she did not insult him, she just looked… angered… or maybe rather she looked sad, he could not tell which one it was, and he did not want to try to look, since it was so dark, and if he dare try to shine the torchlight on her again, she would actually kill him this time.

"How many torch lights do you have?" asked Annie as she could not make out anything in the darkness, except for the light of Ollie's torchlight.

"Hmm, I have 6 more" said Ollie as he searched through his bag.

"Six more??" asked Annie in surprise.

"You can never be too sure, there is one for all of you, and an extra one for me, just in case" said Ollie as he handed Matt the torchlights to the others.

"Just what do you have in that bag of yours?" asked Annie as she was surprised he seemed to have everything.

"Hmm, just some basic survival things, I also have a box of matches as well" said Ollie.

"Wait you have matches?" asked Maddie as she switch on her torchlight.

"Yes I do" said Ollie.

"Then how come you didn't tell us? Matt has been making fires from scratch" said Maddie in an annoyed tone.

"Well I only have one box of matches, and they are magic matches, I thought that they won't work" said Ollie.

"Well did you try?" asked Maddie.

"No" said Ollie.

"Then how will you know if they work?" asked Maddie as Ollie understood what she was trying to say.

"Ahh well, my bad," said Ollie as he laughed sheepishly.

"Mhmm" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"I can hear a stream running nearby" said Matt as he ignored Maddie scolding Ollie and he listened closely.

"Well then, Matt come with me to the stream so I can fill our water bottles" said Maddie as he pointed her torchlight around to find where Matt was and she found him right across her.

"Alright, let's go" said Matt as he wanted them to come back before it got any darker.

"Okay, lead the way" said Maddie as she followed after Matt.
