

"There is a prince of the Witch Realm??" asked Annie to herself in shock, until she remembered that just like the Vampire Realm and the Werewolf Realm, the Witch Realm also had a King and Queen, but she had never even seen them before.

"Ahh I see now, Prince Ollie" said Annie as she smiled.

"Haha yes, and please call me Ollie" said Ollie as he smiled and he took Annie's hand once again and he kissed the back of her hand.

"Hey stop getting touchy blondie" said Maddie as she slapped Ollie's hand away from Annie's he was getting too touch for her own liking, she did not know what he was playing at.

"Whatever" said Ollie as he scoffed and he smiled at Annie, and she smiled back out him out of niceness, while Maddie and Matt were looking at him like scum, this guy had been coming her lately in the name that he was a prince, and he was very annoying, he acted like he owned the place, which he might have, but he was always so cocky and commanding, and very pushy overall, and now he wanted to come and annoy Annie as well.

Annie noticed that Ollie looked like he was about their age, he had beautiful blue eyes and blond hair, and the smile on his face looked very proud.

"You called my controversial" said Annie as she remembered what he had said.

"Why did you say that?" asked Annie as she wondered what he meant by that.

"Ahh well, the Witch Realm is divided on your matter" said Ollie as he knew this first hand, he had been hearing the name Annie Grey for a while now, and in the Realm she was very famous.

"Some support you, while other's don't" said Ollie.

"And what do you think of me?" asked Annie as she looked at Ollie.

"Well I don't think that anyone with such a beautiful face as yours, can possibly cause any trouble" said Ollie as he smiled and he winked at Annie.

"Mhmmm" said Annie as she did not know what to think of Ollie, she found him a joker and just silly.

"Ugh, he's so annoying right??" asked Maddie as she popped into Annie's head.

"Tell me about it" said Matt as he scoffed and Maddie linked him to their mind link.

"I do admit he's annoying, but I find him just silly, why does his face look like he need to pee??" asked Annie as she laughed.

"Tell me about it, his face doesn't look smug at all if that's what's he's aiming for" said Matt as he scoffed.

"Hahha, no because that is the plain truth, he shows up here like he owns the place, and he seriously troubles our lives, and now he's here to do the same to you" said Maddie as she laughed and it would seem that they had all forgotten that Ollie was still standing out there, looking at them as they all talked in their minds.

"You speak the truth Maddie, you really do" said Matt as he laughed and Annie just had to laugh, she found Ollie a clown.

"Oh of course I do, and he can never get to Annie, I will make sure of that" said Maddie with determination.

"So what are we talking about?" asked Ollie as his voice popped into all their heads.

"Ahhh!!" said Maddie, Annie and Matt all at the same time as they shouted out loud, they were shocked by Ollie's sudden intrusion.

"Don't do that, do you want to kill us??" asked Maddie as she was still in shock, and she put her hand on her heart that was beating fast.

"It's rude to just pop unannounced into someone's head" said Matt as he shook his head.

"Well it is equally rude for you all to suddenly go quiet, and have an entire conversation while I am still standing here" said Ollie as he shook his head, they called him rude, while they were the rude ones.

"I hope I didn't startle you Annie" said Ollie as he looked at Annie and he smiled at her.

"No you didn't, only a bit" said Annie as she looked at him.

"And you are right, we were rude for ignoring you like that, we are sorry" said Annie as she knew that Ollie was right, they just left him out of their conversation and that was mean, and they were not mean people at all.

"That's more like it" said Ollie as he smiled and he eyed Maddie and Matt who both scoffed at him, they seriously disliked him.

"That's why I like you, you are very nice" said Ollie as he smiled at her.

"And of course I accept your apology" said Ollie with a wink.

"She is too nice for her own good, because she ends up entertaining someone the likes of you, who is very annoying" said Maddie as she frowned at Ollie.

"You do remember that I am the Prince, and I can get rid of you if I wanted" said Ollie as he smiled, and Maddie rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh Maddie, Maddison, Maddie" said Ollie as he smiled.

"It's Maddie, and only my friends call me that" said Maddie as she seriously disliked this joker who thought that he could get rid of her.

"Then what do I call you?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"You can call me the person who will never like you no matter how much you try" said Maddie as she smiled at him.

"Whatever" said Ollie as he scoffed as he turned to look at Matt.

"Heyyy Matthew, my brother" said Ollie as he smiled at Matt.

"It's Matt, and I don't even know you that well, so how can we be brothers?" asked Matt as he shook his head.

"I know you know that we are brothers, we are of course the only guys in our friend group" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Hey, hey hold up, which friend group??" asked Maddie as she stopped Ollie.

"Our Friend group of course Maddie" said Ollie as he smiled at Maddie.

"Wait a minute, since when were you in our friend group??" asked Maddie in disbelief.

"We didn't even invite you" said Maddie.

"Well yes you did, Annie did, right Annie??" asked Ollie as he turned to look at Annie and he smiled at her.

"Ummm…" said Annie as she did not know what to say.

"Don't you dare put Annie on the spot, we were all here, we never agreed to be your friend, not even to talk about adding you into the friend group" said Maddie as she shook her head, Ollie was just trying to insert himself into the equation, when the equation was obviously a simultaneous one, that in no way involved him.

"No, no we are friends, of course we are" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Wait, why are you even here??" asked Matt as he realized that they had been outside in the garden arguing with this guy all day long.

"Ahh that reminds me, the Vice Chancellor is returning today, she had a meeting with my Parents, and that was why she left, I just came here to inform you" said Ollie as he smiled, the truth was that he just used this as an excuse to leave the Palace.

"Oooh Aunt Stella is coming back today??" said Annie in surprise as she smiled.

"Aunt Stella??" asked Ollie in surprise.

"Yes Aunt Stella" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie.

"Is that what you call the Vice Chancellor??" asked Ollie.

"Well yes, because she is my great Aunt… technically" said Annie as she laughed.

"Ahh I see, it makes sense now" said Ollie as he seemed to be thinking.

"And Professor Captious is your great Uncle, am I right?" asked Ollie as he looked at Annie.

"Yes he is" said Annie as she smiled.

"And why do you need to know?" asked Maddie as she was very defensive of Annie.

"Gosh relax, I just asked a question, nothing big there" said Ollie, he found Maddie very annoying, she just could not mind her own business, he was talking to Annie and not her, so she should have stayed in her thoughts.

"Prince Oliver, is that you??" came the voice of Professor Regan as he happened to be passing by the garden and he caught sight of Ollie.

"Oh shoot, I need to go now, I will see you guys later" said Ollie as he immediately ran away, he still wanted to be free for a little while.

"Better never" said Maddie as Ollie dashed away quickly and Professor Reagan turned around.

"What an odd guy" said Annie to herself as she found Ollie very weird.

"Odd is an understatement Annie" said Matt as he had never met anyone like Ollie before, and he meant that in a bad way.

"I hope he never comes back" said Maddie as she shook her head in annoyance.


Author's note, starting from today, Annie Grey will update with 1 chapter a day rather than 2, seeing as I am back to school again, yayyyy... haha, so enjoy the story as you go along!!!

Who else thinks Ollie is weird??haha

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts