
What are you doing here?

It was early in the morning, the sun had not yet fully risen, and the moon was still in sight, while others were enjoying their last few hours of sleep, some were interrupting those who were sleeping.

Mira was out cold, she was extremely tired, because over the past two days, she had overworked herself by supervising those on night duty, just in case something was being planned, or there was an attack, because after what happened last time, as much as she would love to trust her team, she just could not leave them alone.

No wonder Armand was always so cranky, and in a bad mood, he probably never got a full night's rest on sleep, and Mira could not blame him, she only stayed awake for two days and she was already extremely tired, her whole body was aching and her eyes were heavy, in the end she just had to force herself to trust her team and go to sleep.

She decided not to cast an awake spell on herself, because she was sure that if she did, she would end up sleeping for a week, since her body would not be able to handle being forced to stay awake, and it would be bad for a captain to be asleep for a whole week, when literally anything could happen.

So here Mira was, peacefully enjoying her sleep, until the door of her tent was suddenly open and slow, sturdy footsteps could be heard, whoever was sneaking into her room at this time, did not really make an effort to be sneaky.

The person in Mira's room opened one of Mira's drawers, when they could not find what they were looking for, they made their way to Mira's bed and started to try to wake her up.

"Hey Mira, Mira" came the familiar voice, but Mira did not respond, she kept on sleeping soundly.

"Mira wake up!!" said the person as they resorted to shaking Mira to wake her up, that seemed to do the trick, because Mira opened her eyes as she was still not fully awake.

"Mmmm, is something wrong?" asked Mira as she was still woozy, she thought that something horrible had happened for someone to be calling her this early.

"Mira wake up" said the woman yet again, and that seemed to do the trick and snap Mira out of her drowsiness.

"Liz???" asked Mira in shock.

"Is something wrong?? are we under attack??? *Gasp* has Azazel finally decided to strike??" asked Mira as she quickly jumped out of bed to wear her boots, in case she needed to fight soon.

"Gosh Mira, sheesh relax, you are too on edge" said Liz as she lazily got too comfortable sitting on Mira's bed.

"Then what is it??? why would you wake me up so hurriedly if there is nothing wrong" said Mira as she calmed herself down and she put her boots back in their place.

"It's nothing, gosh relax" said Liz

"Where are the gloves I gave you for your birthday??" asked Liz as this was completely irrelevant to what Mira asked.

"You have to be joking" said Mira as she chuckled, it was not a happy one, rather one that stated, I am going to kill you soon, if you do not explain.

"What is with this sudden talk of gloves??" asked Mira as she face-palmed.

"I don't know?? I am just curious because I remember giving you a certain pair of gloves for your birthday, and I only recall you wearing them once" said Liz

"Sooo, where are the gloves??" asked Liz

"Hahaha, you must be joking, so you came all the way here at this time of the morning to ask me about a pair of gloves??" asked Mira as she would not believe this right now, there she was, finally getting some rest, and then this clown comes along.

It was way too early for her to do this right now, she was just too tired, and fed up.

"Well not exactly" said Liz

"Then tell me exactly, what are you doing here??" asked Mira

"Well I just got back from my night watch duty, and I was still energized and I am sure that I cannot go to sleep now, so I decided to come here and talk to you, so you can tell me all the news that I need to know" said Liz

"Okay wait, Liz please don't tell me that you casted an awake spell on yourself??" asked Mira, because if Liz did, that would explain her over activeness and craziness to come over here and ask her stupid questions.

"And what if I did" said Liz

"Liz didn't I tell you to sleep the day before, because we both know how hyperactive you get when you use an awake spell" said Mira as she sighed.

"Yes and you know that I don't like sleeping during the day, like some kind of bat" said Liz

"You know what, I cannot deal with you right now Liz" said Mira as she shook her head, and she went back to sitting on her bed.

"Well thank you for waking me up, because I cannot go to sleep again" said Mira as she sighed.

"You are welcome" said Liz as she smiled.

"Anyway you are yet to tell me about what happened when you escorted, Annie, Maddie and Matt, because when you came back, you were so on edge" said Liz

"You are so annoying you know that?" asked Mira

"I know" said Liz as she did not seem angry at all.

"Well I will tell you what happened anyway" said Mira

"Yesss, I am all ears" said Liz

"And also do not miss out on any detail, or rush at all, I don't think that I am going to be tired anytime soon" said Liz

"You know that you can be annoying at times right??" asked Mira, as she wondered how they became friends in the first place.

"Whatever" said Liz

"Anyway, yes, about what happened" said Mira

"Well everything was going fine, the plains seemed quiet and desolate as usual, and just when I contacted you to give me the coordinates of the site, I suddenly saw Azazel" said Mira

"*Gasp* No" said Liz as her eyes went wide.

"Yes, when I tell you that I was extremely scared" said Mira

"And he was not even the only one there, I also saw two rogues beside him" said Mira

"When I tell you that my heart leapt out of my chest, it would be an understatement, the mere thought of being caught, meant that everything would be over" said Mira

"And the thing was he was not supposed to be there, I was caught off guard" said Mira

"No because, I am also shocked, on the coordinates map, I did not feel or sense or even see any sign of people around the site" said Liz

"That was what shocked me even more, if you knew he was there, you would have stopped us from continuing on" said Liz

"Wait so that means that Azazel, hid the heat signatures of him and both those vampires" said Liz

"That may be the case, but the question is why he would do that??" asked Mira

"Because as far as I know, he had no way of knowing that we were coming there" said Mira

"Mira are you sure?" asked Liz

"What do you mean by that Liz?" asked Mira

"What I mean is that, maybe he knew you were coming" said Liz

"But how could he??" asked Mira

"Mira think, Maddie is his daughter after, it is only natural that she would want to see her mother one last time" said Liz

"You know what, I think that you are right, because if he meant any harm, I would not be over here right now" said Mira

"Because I am sure that he already saw us, he did have rogue vampires with him, and of course they noticed us, they could have heard us from a mile away" said Mira

"Wow" said Liz as she could not believe was Mira was saying, her friend literally almost faced death.

"So what happened next??" asked Liz

"Well I made a barrier, to try to protect us until I could think of a plan" said Mira

"I was busy contemplating what do to next, when suddenly Azazel and his rogues just left" said Mira

"And when I was sure that they were long gone, I continued with the mission" said Mira

"It was not until we were about to leave, that a mysterious lady cloaked in black came out of nowhere" said Mira

"I did not expect her at all, because I did not even feel her presence" said Mira

"So what did you do??" asked Liz

"It turns out that she meant no harm, and she was sent by Maddie's mother to give her something" said Mira

"This is all so much, in just a few minutes" said Liz

"Liz, when I tell you that I was tired, I was really tired" said Mira

"I can imagine" said Liz

"Anyway that is the end of my story" said Mira

"Awww no fair" said Liz

"I want to stay here with you" said Liz

"Well I cannot let you do that, I am leaving now" said Mira as she put on her boots, she was getting ready for her day already.

"You are so mean" said Liz angrily.

"Whatever you say" said Mira as she smiled, payback felt very nice.
