
Welcome Back

"We're here Yayyyyyyy" said Annie as she looked out the Window and saw the very familiar Palace that had become her home.

"I can't wait to see Curtis and Aunt Stella" said Annie

"Haha relax Annie" said Maddie

"No I cannot, Evie you feel how I feel right?" asked Annie as she looked at Evie

"Sure I guess?" said Evie as she was mopey and had her arms crossed over her chest as she looked down, she was still angry that no one believed her.

"Why so mopey?" asked Annie

"It's nothing" said Evie

"Are you sure?" asked Annie as she was worried

"Yes" replied Evie

"Annie the girl said that she's fine so leave it at that" said Maddie

"Okay, Evie if you say so" said Annie.

The Carriage finally came to a halt in front of the Palace.

"Haha Yayyyyyyy I'm backkk Witch Realm" said Annie as she came down from the Carriage.

"Wow, you make it seem like you didn't enjoy being in the Vampire Realm" said Matt as he also came down from the Carriage that he was in.

"Haha No it's not that, I really did enjoy the Vampire Realm, but it just feels so good to be back you know" said Annie

"Haha yes yes I do" said Matt as he laughed

"Welcome Back Everyone" said Stella as she walked from the Palace doors to meet them.

"Aunt Stella" said Annie as she rushed to hug her.

"Ahh Annie my dear, how are you?" asked Stella as she hugged Annie back

"I am very good Aunt and how are you?" asked Annie as she broke the hug.

"I am doing well Annie" said Stella

"Oooh where is Curtis?" asked Annie as she looked behind Stella expecting Curtis to be there.

"Ahh well he had some things to attend to but he should be here soon" said Stella

"Oh okay" said Annie, she was disappointed she expected Curtis to be the first person to welcome her back, did he not miss her the way she missed him?

"Aunt Stella" said Maddie as she finally came down from the Carriage.

"Maddie my dear, how are you? I see that your hair is glowing" said Stella as she laughed.

"Ahh I am good Aunt and how are you? and about my hair, let's just say that it wasn't shining before" said Maddie

"I am doing well, haha okay my dear" said Stella

"Stella" said the voice of a woman

"Ahh Lucy, how are you?" asked Stella as she hugged Lucinda

"I am doing well Stella, and how are you?" asked Lucinda

"Same as you, my dear" said Stella

"So where is Bella?" asked Stella as she was looking around for Bella

"Ahh Stella, she enjoyed the Vampire Realm so much that she decided to stay for a while, but don't worry she will be back soon" said Lucinda

It was not like Lucinda did not want to tell Stella the truth, but Stella could not keep a secret so if she did tell Stella, Bella's parents would find out about her marriage in no time.

"Ahh okay my dear, I just hope that she is doing well there" said Stella

"Yes Stella she is, you know how Bella is" said Lucinda as she laughed

"Haha yes I do" said Stella.

"Well everyone let us go inside, and Lucy please tell the others to meet me in my office" said Stella

"Of course Stella" said Lucinda as she smiled.

Meanwhile in Annie and Maddie's room.

They were both still settling in when they heard a knock on the door.

"Come In" said Annie

"Annie, Maddie Welcome back" said Curtis as he entered the room.

"Curtis!!" said Annie as she rushed to hug him.

"Hello Annie" said Curtis as he hugged her

"Hi Curtis" said Maddie

"Hi Maddie" said Curtis

"So how was the Vampire Realm?" asked Curtis

"Oooh it was awesome there are so many things that I have to tell you" said Annie

"Haha Okay, but can that be later? I have a meeting to attend" said Curtis

"Sure okay" said Annie

"Thank you Annie, I am running late see you" said Curtis

"Bye Curtis" said Annie

Meanwhile back in Stella's Office.

Lisa, John, Lucinda, Lucas, Curtis and Stella were all in her office together and they all looked serious.

"So did Azazel actually come here?" asked John

"Yes he did" said Stella.

"Then what was his proposal?" asked Lucas.

"Wait before we start, let's make sure that everywhere is secure" said Stella as she chanted a spell

"There, now we can talk" she said.

Meanwhile back in the dorms

"Annie, Maddie, psst are you awake?" asked Matt as he whispered at their door and knocked softly.

"Ahh Matt what is it? it's very late you know" said Annie as she opened the door.

"Shhhh" said Matt as he dragged Annie into the room and closed the door behind them.

"What is it?" asked Annie

"Look guys I overheard my parents, your parents, along with Aunt Stella and Curtis" said Matt as he whispered.

"Matt how many times have we warned you about eavesdropping on people's conversation" said Maddie as she got off her bed.

"That's besides the point, what I am saying here is that I heard them say that Azazel was here" said Matt

When Maddie heard the name Azazel, her body became cold and stiff, fear was noticeable in her eyes.

"What?" asked Annie and Maddie at the same time.

Annie looked at Maddie and saw that she was distressed.

"Okay Maddie relax, breathe" said Annie as she guided Maddie to her bed to lay down, and she poured her a glass of water.

"Maddie are you okay?" asked Matt

"Ahh yes I am now, Thank you" said Maddie as she tried to calm herself down and assure her friends that she was alright.

"Matt, what do you mean by Azazel was here?" asked Annie

"I overheard them discussing about what happened while we were away and it turns out that Azazel came here and made a proposal" said Matt

"What kind of proposal?" asked Maddie

"I don't know, because next thing I realize is that I can no longer hear them, like they knew I was listening and they casted a spell" said Matt

"That's probably what happened" said Annie

"Then if Azazel came here, then that means that we did not go to the Vampire Realm because the Palace had to test their security measures" said Annie

"But because they wanted to keep us away from Azazel" said Annie, Maddie and Matt together in a chorus.

"I need to ask Curtis now, why would he lie to us?" asked Annie

"Hey Annie relax okay? we do not know the full story, and it's late now, so I think that we should go to sleep" said Matt

"And besides Maddie is not doing well with this topic" said Matt as he whispered in Annie's ear and pointed to Maddie who was not paying attention.

" *Sigh* fine you are right" said Annie

"Okay Goodnight Matt, see you tomorrow" said Annie as Matt left the room.

"Goodnight Annie and Maddie" said Matt as he left the room.

"Hey Maddie, look at me" said Annie and Maddie turned to look at Maddie

"You will be fine, Azazel cannot get you here okay" said Annie

"Okay" said Maddie

"Good, now let's to sleep" said Annie as she smiled

"Okay" smiled Maddie back, but her smile was fake, and she just suppressed it as she laid her head on her pillow and turned to the left.

Haha hello my beautiful readers and I come with an announcement and that is that I am on school break which means that Annie Grey is going back to regular weekly Chapters.

Yayyyyy haha, so have a good day and I hope you enjoy reading the chapters that are coming see you!!
