
Chapter 17: Perverted Oni

~Tatsumi POV~


Ugh… what the heck last night I slept like a log and am I in a bed?

The greatest bed I sleep on than my own that was for sure.

Good thing I put away Incursio in my subspace before I went inside the mansion or I don't know what would happen.

Opening my eyes, I was no longer inside the wagon that I was with Emilia but rather inside a fancy room seeing iconic maids and best girl in front of me.

Rem has medium-length sky blue hair that covers her right eye, large light blue eyes, and young features she also has hair clips towards the left side of her hair, a flower-shaped ribbon on the same side of her hair, and a maid hairband.

She looks nearly identical to her sister apart from her hair, eyes, and ribbon coloring she usually wears a maid uniform, and since her chest is slightly larger than her sister's, she secretly changes the measurements to hide it.

Ram has medium-length light pink hair that covers her left eye, large darkish red eyes, and young features she also has hair clips towards the right side of her hair, a flower-shaped ribbon on the same side of her hair, and a maid hairband.

She looks nearly identical to her sister Rem apart from her hair, eyes, and ribbon coloring. She usually wears a maid uniform she has a smaller chest compared to her sister, and she has slanted eyes.

Seeing Rem was looking at me with a blank look she says to her sister, "Ah, he woke up onee -chan."

Ram replies to her sister with a blank response as well, "That's right, he woke Rem."

Viewing the twin oni girls talking about me I asked them kindly, "Uh, hello there I'm Tatsumi can you ask me where exactly I am and what time is it?"

Ram was the one to respond to me in a blank tone, "You are at the Rosswaal Mansion and it's 7 am."

Hearing Ram's response I just told myself while the twins listen in about me, "Really? And you two happen to show up here for my concern or Emilia? Well in any case I slept like a log haven't had a soft bed for a while since I could probably sleep a bit longer."

Rem next responded to me in a blank voice as well to me about my shamelessness, "Onee-chan did you hear that? How blatantly the slacker made his proclamation."

Ram also responded soon after Rem mocking me in the process, "Yes Rem, I heard that. Standards words of a slob."


I take this kind of mocking from my members I don't need it from the twins!

Expressing an annoyed expression of the two the anime didn't do it justice as I express my attitude, "Hey! I'll have you know I'm a very hard-working person it's just the best bed that I have ever slept on!"

Next, the two backed off from me as they both flee away, "Kyaa!"

The next thing I see they try to act cute with both of them together holding hands as I respond to them to the best I could do with a deadpan look, "You know… acting cute won't work on me since of a certain huntress cuteness exposure I'm more resistant to what you're doing…"

Leaving the two of them confused we kept looking at each other in silence till they started up with their antics again.

Rem was the next to speak that I was a pervert, "Onee-san!! This is bad! That guest is humiliating us with his obscene thoughts right now…!"

Ram responded with the same expression of being shocked and concern, "Rem! This is bad that guest is trying desperately to violate us with his mind right now…!"

This is going to be my new life for this mission, isn't it?

Although what they said is true, I didn't think about it…

Shame that can't be said about the internet.

But since they have thought this far in, I might as well tease them a bit I'm already used to this kind of behavior from Toga and Ruby.

Faking a confused look on their face making myself believable to them or not I asked them both a question, "Huh? I have no idea what you two are talking about? What are you two maids' perverts or something?"

They both seem to freeze at that as I continue with a fake innocent expression on my face, "I mean if you're into that kind of thing you should talk about your fantasies to someone interested because I'm a bit weird it out… perverted maids…"

Now that done it.

The two of them just had a surprised expression written on their faces.

It seems they bought my fake expression and looks as I called them out as perverts to me a stranger.

That won't certainly look good on them when Rosswaal returns if his two maids were flirting with the person who helped Emilia.

They both were looking at me clearly embarrassed of their actions, but Ram tried to rectify the situation, "No! You are clearly mistaken I have no love for you only Rosswaal-sama! You are clearly taking advantage of the situation!"

Tilting my head, a bit I smirked at this, so I asked the obvious, "Oh? Rosswaal correct so you are into the perverted things if he's involved yes? Then I was right you Ram is a complete pervert."

That seems to shut up Ram in the process as she soon turns red at the mention of me being correct that she will do it if Rosswaal does the perversions in her own mind.

And they called me a pervert.

I mean I am in a sense I already seen Toga and Ruby naked bodies, but no one is going to comment on this.

Not like they can figure that out anyway.

Next, I see Rem looks confused as she defends her sister only to get her sister, even more, redder if that was even possible, "No Onee-chan is not a pervert she just loves Rosswaal-sama very much that I couldn't hear banging sounds in their office no it was completely innocent! My Onee-chan is not a pervert!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Oh my God Rem just didn't?!

After this I might just consider having Rem join our group chat for this, she will be comedy gold in our group right after Ruby!

It looks like Ram hid her face with her hands oh boy this is certainly going to be a fun day.

Why not make it a bit longer?

With that idea in my mind I asked Rem some obvious questions to her that seems to just slip by on how she tries to defend Ram only to make her face become so red that her whole head became red out of embarrassment that literal steam was coming out from her!

With that I asked Rem a series of questions that confuses her but responds with her own words to fight to protect her sister while it only seems that Ram was getting embarrassed the seconds past by.

I asked Rem that did she heard some banging in some places around the mansion with solely Rosswaal and Ram around.

To my joy she says to me that there were some loud noises with them being alone.

In different places in the mansion but most prominent the office of Rosswaal.

Hearing my answers from Rem only made Ram glare at me hatefully as I think her own sister hasn't realized what she did.

But it was not like she was going to announce it since she has pride in herself to not say anything about their relationship.

After a few minutes of discussing with Rem defending her sister I thought that was enough fun as I reply to them with a smile as I made a small bow to them, "Alright then from the innocent banging, gaging, and slapping sounds I can finally see that your sister Ram is not a pervert thank you Rem for enlighten me I do apologize for my earlier statement you both are good maids."

Rem looked very happy that she convinced me as for Ram…

Only a look of a woman furry was I described her expression she was giving made me shudder a bit…

If glares could kill, I was so dead for just one glance of Ram glare.

I had my fun with them they are certainly going to be a treat.

Next Rem says to me as she remembers something as she motions me to follow her, "Oh! That is right sir Tatsumi, we were supposed to guide you to breakfast with Emilia and Beatrice a while ago we must hurry!"

Nodding my head at her I just followed them, but I can tell from when I looked at their backs that their emotions changed.

That they don't trust me completely with hollow looks on their eyes and they will probably try to ask me questions about last night.

Well let's see what they have to offer as questions.
