
Noble Etiquette

On the way to lunch, Will's classes mettled into the crowd walking out of the pagoda to the dining hall. As Will was listening to his classmates' banter about how fun and innovative the exercise was, Will felt a hand cusp his shoulder.

"How was class, Will?" Bradley asked shyly.

Chloe, Mark, Evan, Grace, Sarah, Anne, and Vincent, were all stunned to see Bradley greet Will in such an informal manner.

"Classes went well, I had battle tactics, and troop leadership this morning. What about you?" Will asked indifferently to the stares.

"They were fine. Engineering students take math, science, and design classes at increasing degrees of difficulty for four-year," Bradley said excitedly.

"What is this? Since when did you and City Lord's son become so sociable? Vincent asked angrily.

"We bonded this summer," Bradley said walking in step with Will.

"All this I thought you were a man difficult man to bribe. Yet, now I learn you're the City Lord's lackey," Vincent sneered angrily.

"No sir, you misunderstand. He is not my father's lackey. I work for Will. He hired me as the Silver Pheonix's Chief Engineer," Will said happily.


Both Will and Bradley's classmates stood frozen, unmoved for several seconds with awestricken stares.

Vincent felt his psyche shake, "You mean you're building something for Will?"

The realization suddenly set in, all at once, they realized whatever these two were building would be monumentally and lucrative.

"Yes, Will asked for my help and I agreed. But, that's the only thing I can say?" Bradley smiled proudly.

"Will, are you planning to auction shares off in his business as well?" Vincent asked curiously.

"Not this time. At the next shareholder auction, your family is welcome to bid. The Merchant Guild is well aware of this," Will replied.

"Excuse me, I forgot to run an errand," Vincent said, before walking in the direction of the residence halls.

"You know he's leaving to write his parents, right?" Chloe asked.

"That's fine, nothing Bradley said his secret knowledge. I'm almost certain his father's spies have already relayed this information to him," Will said.

After Vincent left, the enlarged group made it to the dining hall. The Aether-infused dishes filled Will's belly and his mana whirlpool. Since so few people were able to cast magic, Aether-infused dishes were rare.

After a few bites, Will's hunger was satiated. As Will circled the mana in his body, he looked around the dining hall rubrics. It wasn't until he looked, that realized the fourth-year students were missing. The first, second-, and third-year tables were filled with laughter and smiling faces.

But, the fourth-year table sat empty. Will wondered if the fourth year ate someplace different on the first day of the academic year. He thought back, but could not remember what happened last year on the first day of class.

"Does anyone know where the fourth-year students are?" Will asked curiously.

"I heard they were sent to the first lines," Even said.

"Yeah same here. I heard they went to the front lines to learn, instead of their mock battles; they were given a squadron to command," Mark elaborated.

"My master said, a decade ago the Mage and Knight Academies sent their first, second-, and third-year students as reinforcements," Chloe provided.

"You don't think they'll do that us, do you? If not for Will, we might have died during the beast wave. How could we be expected to kill Albania soldiers and knights?" Sarah asked nervously.

"I'm scared, I was awful during the beast wave. What good could I do but die?" Anne said sadly.

"Except fourth years, I doubt they'll place cadets on the front lines. If you don't want to serve on the front lines, apply for a different command post," Will said encouragingly.

"I doubt any command post, besides infantry would not accept her. Except for Quartermaster, every other command post requires their cadet to take three years of study," Bradley said shattering Anne's hope.

"He's right Will, Signal, Engineer, and Intelligence offer courses. If you don't elect to one of those command posts in your first year, it's almost impossible to enroll in your second year," Chloe added.

Anne had her hands on the table, she looked miserable. "Will can I join your command post?" Anne pleaded.

"I'll ask Marshall Rolf. But, we have a very small office, our three desks barely fit. I'm not sure how we could accommodate you?" Will said apologetically.

"I stopped by the office his morning, before breakfast to check guild request. I know it's early, but we had very few. Last year, most quests came from fourth- and third-years guild members. With only second and third-year guild members on campus there's not much to do, sorry Anne," Sarah said.

"Stop pouting! You are one of the 20 strongest second-year knights. You fought your way into our class. Why are you feeling sorry for yourself?" Chloe said frustratedly.

"Chloe—I'm," Anne started.

But, before she could explain the bell rang. The mass of students raising from the table drowned out Anne's statement.

Awkwardly, the second-year commoner students rose from the dining table and exited the dining hall. The second-year commoners were given a free period, a study hour. Whereas, the second-year cadets of noble birth moved to a small room in the dining hall.

The door slides open and inside stood two Will met earlier that day, Marshall vont Cheng and retired General vont Ying.

"Well, I can already tell this group will be more difficult from the last, look how the trot in like horses. I fear for the next generation," retired General Ying said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"The men are no better. You all act like country farmers instead of men of elegance," Marshall Cheng rejoined.

"Goodness, the way you ladies walk is ghastly," the general winced.

"Good afternoon cadets. This elective is an edict from his majesty's great-grandfather. As you know, very few children are born with enough mana to become knights and mages. Moreover, m magic and the size of mana pools are inherited. Every noble family wants their children to marry either a mage or knight. That means you are the future of this kingdom's nobility," Marshall Cheng said.

"In this class, you'll learn the rules of good behavior, proper posture, how to walk and speak like nobles, and rules for one's station. To measure your progress, we'll hold a Yuletide Ball with the Mage Academy. Students will be graded on their progress," retired General Ying declared.

"Since men and women have different etiquette you'll be separated by sex. Please keep in mind, that even in the military nobles must still act as nobles. Being a cadet is not a license to forget etiquette," Marshall Cheng said.

"Women stay seated, men follow Marshall Cheng next door," General Ying said.

Slowly the young men filed out of the classroom to the adjacent classroom. When all the men were seated, Marshall Cheng spoke.

"Rules of etiquette have been passed down since the country's founding. Etiquette serves as an indicator of each person's proper station in life. How you walk, talk, bow, are all according to the station. In this classroom, you'll address me as Lord Cheng based on my station.

Since most of you are second, third, or fourth sons; thus when you greet me bow at your waist. Otherwise, I have every right to take offense.

For those few of you are an heir to receive a title, in line for a peerage, you may greet me based on your station. If a duke or fellow marquis a nod is sufficient, for a count a slight bow, for a viscount a quarter bow, for a baron or below a bow at your waist.

Regardless of your station, you'll address the crown as 'His majesty," the prince as 'His Royal Highness,' a duke as 'grace,' a marquis as 'lord,' a count and viscount as 'honorable,' baron and below as 'sir.'

No matter if you are dressed in noble attire or your military uniform, one must never forget correct etiquette. Elocution, speech, and manners should never be overlooked," he paused.

In the barony, Will's mother had schooled him on manners and etiquette. He felt his etiquette was acceptable. Looking to his right and left, he saw many men straightening their posture. With the midyear ball announcement, these men seemed nervous.

"Understand as men, your wife, children, household staff requires your guidance. It's your responsibility to make sure your family follows proper table manners and social etiquette…" Marshall Cheng lectured.

Next door, retired General Ying was lecturing.

"Ladies should walk erect, with dignity and grace. Noblewomen never run, nor dally. Ladies glide, with shoulders back, head street, hands cupped together. Outside the home, women may lock arms, with a male family member or husband.

No matter your strength, noblewomen never venture out of their homes alone. If necessary send a maid in waiting or son. As a chaste young woman, your reputation is everything. How you talk, dress, and style your hair are important for your noble standing," she paused.

"But, what if you're stronger than your husband?" Chloe asked.

"Unless you want to be a spinster and dishonor your family, you will follow convention!" General Ying said sternly.

"Tonight, Marshall Cheng and I will watch you all eat dinner. There are just under 40 rules for eating, I expect to see all 38! I will provide the correct tomorrow. However, for now, we'll have a lesson on afternoon tea etiquette. Maria bring out the trays," General Ying directed.

While the women next door are learning afternoon tea etiquette, the men having a cocktail party and working on their conversation skills. Both Marshall Cheng and retired General Ying gave the students different social standing. For example, Bradley was appointed a duke, Will a marquis, and Vincent a count.

Will was thankful this class only lasted an hour. When the 14th bell rang, he was so happy to leave and head to the Guardian Guild's top floor in the pagoda. However, before leaving class, the cadets had to successfully exit the classroom.

Thankfully, Will was able to exit the classroom on the third attempt. Following the rest of the class, he happily walked out of the dining hall.
