
A Great Start?

11 pm. For most people, not just students, it's way past bedtime. However, in our house, specifically our bedroom, the night had just started.

When I entered the room with Fuyu, three pairs of scrutinizing eyes focused on us. It was impossible not to notice our changed outfit, after all. Also, they were waiting for close to an hour for us to show up after leaving us alone again.

Eri’s round eyes blinked a few times before her lips stretched into a playful grin. There’s no need to figure out what’s running in her head, it’s written on her face. She winked at me as though hinting that she knew what happened between us. What a cheeky girl.

Should I tell her in detail? If I do, she’ll definitely get flustered and melt in embarrassment. She’s great at being playful. However, she’ll easily fold when teased.
