
Current Situation

The night quickly passed and a new day soon followed.

Yesterday, my parents came over again and left at night after Minoru fell asleep.

True to their reason for coming home, they wanted to spend their time getting close to the boy. Moreover, with their intention to take care of him for Miwa-nee, showing up everyday was probably one of their routines.

Either way, since Miwa-nee wasn’t really against it, I also had no problem with my parents doting on him.

Like the other day, they once again postponed answering the questions that I piled up in my mind concerning the past where they just let me be consumed by my desire.

My mom made the same excuse that it’s not the time yet and even egged me to just focus on the present and my future goal.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
