
Chapter 57

Stacey couldn't believe that her sister will say something about the photo shoot. It is a good thing that Nick knows about it because if not she will probably die of shame.

Mrs. Williams just shook her head but didn't make a comment.

Heather slowly tore her eyes from Stacey and looked at Nick who has a grim expression. She jutted out her chin before speaking again.

"She doesn't have any inhibitions about showing her body to men. Is that the kind of woman you want?"

That made Stacey snapped. She took one of the coffee porcelain set on the table then she threw the milk inside it to Heather's face.

"STACEY!" their mother exclaimed.

"YOU BITCH!!" Heather angrily wiped her face with her hand.

"You should be thankful that it's just the cream not the hot coffee! I should have thrown the coffee instead to scald your thick face! How dare you say that?! We all know that I was forced to do that pictorial because of you!" she accused. Her voice is shaking.
