
War: Overdue Sewage

A few hours ago, zhang was having his breakfast with Riveria and Maria when they heard. Strange sounds.

General Ming badged into the dining hall holding the side of her stomach which was injured.

"Your highness, the palace is under attack I'll need to take you to anywhere safe."

Riveria was alarmed and her usual playful expression turned serious.

"What is their location right now?" she asked. General Ming was not in the old for explaining anything but decided to still talk.

"They have surrounded the palace nowhere is safe. We'll have to fight them off and save the crown."

"Prince Zhang, you must know a secret hideout, don't you? I mean, all palaces have one and you should know of one as well."

Zhang was surprised at how serious and smart Riveria could be. He nodded and she looked at Maria.

"We will safely escort the both of you there and head in a different direction in order to divert the attention of the enemy and hopefully secure the sceptre," Rivera suggested.
