
One Bed {3}

This morning seems to be a very pleasant morning for some people. How not, some employees are allowed to go home early for several reasons. But unfortunately, it seems that this only applies to some employees in other divisions. Because Qiao Xin and Mei still had to finish their work faithfully.

The two of them were still busy in the archives researching the parts they hadn't checked, so Xuan Cheng looked at it rather pityingly too. How could it not be? Xuan Cheng knew that the company was in trouble, but he never expected that the problem would cause trouble for other employees. It seemed Xuan Cheng did have to do something, wasn't this one of his missions too? Xuan Cheng was about to enter his room, but he stopped when he saw several people wearing expensive tuxedos walking towards the elevator. Xuan Cheng seemed to smile. The two of them now passed very real.
