
Rhymes and Auras

When Agatha withdrew, letting go of Drake's hair, the man slowly loosened his embrace, letting her slide gradually down until her feet touched the ground. Her gaze fell on the sleeping woman Fenris had placed on the grass. Looking closely at Hope, she carefully examined her face.

Hope's shiny reddish-brown hair clumsily hung on a side, revealing her small nose and perfect cheekbones. Her smooth skin graciously complimented her gorgeous features. Agatha's gaze dropped below the neck, stopping on the claw tucked into the woman's heart.

The amber eyes had decided, and then the order was heard. "Fenris, take out that thing stuck inside that woman's chest."

The gape of Drake's jaw didn't pass unnoticed by Agatha. When Fenris' hand staggered over Hope's left breast before going for the claw, Drake's fists clenched. But he knew he should handle himself with care in front of this group.
