

20 days later,

" Yes gentlemen my words may sound too big for now but I'm definitely sure if what I'm saying can....

" Well kid let me tell you, you're approved by me, I just want to have an equity so let's negotiate the price after the meeting", one of the executives wearing a safron turban from some bank got up and said with a smile and it made my eyes sparkle.

" Definitely sir, we'll talk about that but now anyone can ask me questions related to it", I said looking at all the people present in the room.

"Yes sir", a man put his hand up and I said this for him to ask me question.

" Look, the thing is... I just came here because of the respect towards this old man here, you're just a kid who has no knowledge about business and economy, you just planned something new and with that dangerous act of assaulting an RBI Governor on the road you somehow got this chance, then in front of all of us you're telling us you want to start a company with our help, how can we be sure in putting our money in something which has not yet started, which is planned by a 10th class boy whose only accomplishment is his nation-wide rank and something whose success solely depends on the masses acceptance. Don't take me wrongly but as per business point of view, this deal is very.... um.. what to say... unpredictable hence unacceptable", the man said all this.

" OK sir, I understand where you're going at, let me put up my point of view, you know we live in a nation with more than 5000 years of history and I believe it to be more than 10,000. You were born, are living and getting success in a nation widely proclaimed as the world-guru, the place which after losing its heritage to those invaders is rising again like before. So, I'm just asking a measly amount of money from all of you to help this nation take some more steps forward in its mission to return to it's past glory. I can answer as much questions as you want sir but at last it's totally your decision whether you want to be a part to make this nation return to it's past glory or not.", I bowed down to them as I said this while having a proud smile at my face.

" Look gentleman, most of us know each other from a long time and I would like to tell you that I'm definitely supporting this kid, whether his plan fail Or succeed, I'm supporting this kid's brain, you have my approval too."

After some more questions and answers I got approval from 5 of the top 10 banks of the country. Others after saying they want to think before doing anything left the meeting.


The main approval meeting for the transfer and use of bank's names was over and now it was time for investment.


" It may sound a lot but I'm very confident about my project so..... 1% for 25 crore and I'm not joking", I directly said.

" puff* cough* cough*", one of the representative threw the water out and coughed due to being shocked after hearing my condition.

" Wh... what, you want us to invest so much money on a startup which hasn't even started yet, we don't know what will be it's growth and how it will do in the market yet and your asking price is already so high.", the same man said.

" I'm in, but I want 2% for 40 crore", the same sikh man in safron turban got up and said loudly.

" What are you doing, can't you see how much danger there is in this investment.", the man sitting beside him whispered.

" I like this kid, he's courageous, he's intelligent, he's passionate and the most important thing he's to my liking so I'm not investing in the idea but in the kid, if his idea fails then I'm gonna make him work for my company for a long time and then I could take out the whole worth easily.", the sikh man in saffron turban whispered to the man sitting beside him.

" 40 crore, it's done.", I said without blinking my eyes.

" OK then, but you need to sign a paper, I'll be calling my lawyer here soon.", the man in turban said.

" OK I'll wait till then and like that folks the meeting is over.", I said and went to turn off the projector.

" Wait, can I also get 2% at.....", the man beside the punjabi said.

Much larger amount was already in my hand so I didn't continue it any further.





" Well kid, now go and prepare for the company, just with these two short meetings I started getting high hopes of you so don't disappoint me", the RBI Governor said while ruffling my hairs.

With a satisfied smile I looked at the photocopy of a contract in my hand.

" So I'll be working in that company if I fail to make the company's worth similar to his investment in three year, sigh* well... anything for the family", I came back in a taxi.

Coming back I told everything about the meeting to Natasha and we decided to return back the next day.

Celebrating the night with one hour of continuous fun we packed our things.

During the last four years I've read many business management, marketing, planning and personality development books so I was preety confident about starting the business.

Coming back the five of us decided to party outside.

That night two different kind of threesome happened in two different houses. One being rough where all three were like wild animals hungry for each other's bodies while the other one where the two young girls were devoured by the boy just like how sheeps get devoured by the big bad wolf.


A month later,

I already rented a floor in a big office building in Mumbai and had arranged people to ready the floor and make it look like a professional high quality office.

[ A/N - I have no information on how the whole damn recruiting process and all these things like business and everything works. All I read about it is via novels or online searching so please bear with the foolish professionalism.]

I was on a train to one of the most prestigious universities of the nation. This time I, Maya, Sania and Shanaya came. Natasha stayed reasoning the shop for her stay. I told them I don't need help Or anything but request from all of the girls were too hard to ignore. So a trip of four was decided.

Another stay in a hotel but a grand one this time, I went to the best college in the country for recruitment. The timing and everything was all set. Here, the sikh investor of mine helped me. He called the principal and arrange the whole recruitment thing.

Coming inside I looked at the large gate with the college's name in it.

I felt pressure, yeah, that's true, after all I was recruiting the finest gems of the nation, being the best college of the country it's entry process was very tough, someone even said that the college's admission rate might even be 0.3%. I took a deep breath and followed the person waiting for me in front of the gate.

He took me to the principal's office.

" umm... so you're the boy Mr. Singh talked to me about right?? ", a man in 50's sitting at the principal's chair said.

" Yes, Sir", I said standing straight without bowing but changing the voice tone to a respectful one.

" Well, I'm not an investor so I would give the real plain and simple review to you, the little information that I got about your idea made me really eager for the plan, you may not know this but some banks were also trying to start something like your qr based transaction but your plan is so thorough, I don't think that anyone could have completed even half of what you did. So, I can't invest but I'm really eager to see your success, the nation wants students like you kid. Well, somewhere down the line it feels awkward, a 10th pass boy recruiting college girls and boys and the best of the best at that. Well, that's development I think. I wish you best of luck. Wait for some time, a place would be arranged for you, there you can meet and interview the candidates."

Saying that he dismissed me, I too after thanking him for the praises and wishes went out. In a different room I waited quietly for two more people.

Mr. Singh had told me that they are professionals and would be helping me in the recruitment.

I had no place to deny a help from the investor so I agreed for the helpers.

Half an hour later a man in 40's and a woman about 45 came in.

"He's really a kid", the women being shocked after seeing me said suddenly.

The man beside her elbowed her on her forearm and said respectfully,

" You are Ritik right, Mr. Singh send us saying that you need our help here, we are department heads from XX bank and would like to help you for the recruitment", he said in a passive voice, neither respectful nor outrageous. It showed the amount of professionalism he had.

" Ye.. yes I would also like to help you Mr. Ritik", the women too after the knock in the forearm said.

" Be at ease big sister, big brother, you are professionals and seniors of mine, so I would be more than glad to get your help and choose the best of the best", I smiled and said.


I was sitting in a room with the 40's man and woman beside me while a line of students was formed outside the room.

" Yes, I want to join the HR department ", a simple looking girl sitting in front of us said.

" Well, what can you do other than.....

" OK, you'll get the information if you're selected, you can go now", the man said.

" Thank you sir", getting up she said and went out.


" Look Ritik, you're starting a new company and thus need a big number of people for several positions. So, having the best of the best, this college is the best place to choose the candidates for top positions like, the head of departments, you're introducing a new and unheard Idea to the society so the young heads would be best for you, they would develop with the development of the company and with that most of them would also become loyal with the company, but in between them you also need some special experienced people, so think carefully and choose, we already selected these forms and will be selecting some more tomorrow so take you time and look through all the forms, this is a major step in which the future of you and your company depends.", the man said after the recruitment ended.

" Definitely big brother, I'll look through all of them", I said with determined eyes.

" OK then I'll be taking my leave, you need to give a speech today so stay behind, I'll meet you tomorrow at the same place and at the same time.", saying that he got up and the woman followed behind him after saying goodbye to me.


Standing in the stage I took a deep breath and started speaking,

" Good morning dear brothers and sisters, you may think who is this little kid standing in front of the best of the best students of the country. So, I would like to introduce myself, I am Ritik Singhal from Jabalpur M.P. I just passed 10th this year and was ranked 13th nation-wide (chatter* chatter* chatter*) . Please give me some of your time, this is about the future of the nation. OK, so where was I, yeah. Well, for the past few years I was working over a project and it was about the money transaction. Yeah, the simple money transaction. So, after completing that plan and my 10th I decided to work on it. You may not believe it but to accomplish what I want I punctured the car of RBI Governor. Yeah, the incident that spread around a couple of months ago was done by me."

Deep breath*

" Umm... what should I say, it worked out somehow because I was a kid, so don't try something so dangerous yourself, you all are intelligent adult after all(laughter in the crowd). I then got this big investment and now am recruting new employees for the most important positions in the company. It is a new company but I give you assurance that in one year people would be begging to come as I know how much my idea is worth. I already read many books which were no way near a 10th standard level and thus developed many abilities so you can test me now. This will show how qualified I am to be your boss and to be the independent man to start a country developing idea.....


Thank you for tolerating me for so long. Now you can ask me anything.", I said and stopped my speech.

" What should I call you sir, boss or brother", a boy said sarcastically.

With a handsome smile I replied,

" You can call me Mr. Ritik Or Boss, after all nobody knows I might become your boss in the near future."

" So, you're saying you read many books, can I know the name of some of them.", another boy got up and asked seriously.

"Well, these are some silly questions but looking at my age I think it is necessary for me to prove myself in front of all of you so let's start, Rich Dad Poor Dad, How to Start A Business with no Money, A silly startup, Becoming Rich is not Easy, The Intelligent Investor, No more Money and several others. Also, I already completed maths upto the basic engineering level and biology is also something which I had more understanding than a normal 12th grader. It might sound funny but I really gave the past 5 years of mine to accomplish where I am standing now so please big brothers and sisters believe me when I say I'm sure about what I'm doing.", I said with a mature voice and the whole atmosphere turned awkward. Till then not many students were interested in me and my idea but with my powerful and agressive words their mentality changed.

" OK so anybody wants to ask anymore questions", about a minute later the principal sitting behind me got up and said in the Mike.

" So can you briefly introduce how your idea works??", a boy in glasses got up and asked.

" Thank you for the good question at last, it's basically a method to scan and transfer money directly from bank accounts, but it is more sophisticated and easy to use than the other methods currently available and used by other countries. Most of the big banks already had agreed for my request and I'm sure after a while the rest of the banks will also agree so I am pretty confident about my work", I said with a smile.

" Mr. Ritik, I really want to know if you invest in stock market, afterall there's a book you read which gives you full introduction to it.", a girl got up and asked.

" Yes I do and let me tell you, I started investing in clas 6th and till now I've increased my started investment by +10,000% and I would like to tell you my starting investment was much more than 1 lakh. Being intelligent you all can calculate that much right?? ", several gasps* were heard after I said this.

" How can we believe all that you're saying is true", a proud looking boy got up and asked in a loud voice.

" Well, I can only prove it if you ask something from those books, I cannot prove that stock thing because with that I'll be disclosing my personal information to you, the rank thing can be searched via internet so please continue...


The next day in the same meeting room.

" Mr. Ritik, I am the topper of the college and it would be my honor to join your company, I could get any job easily in a big foreign company but I really want to help the nation to develop and be a superpower and that small question and answer session yesterday inspired me a lot. Please, take me in.", the same proud boy from yesterday was sitting in front of me and the 40's duo, he was almost begging us to get recruited.

" OK OK brother Sumit, I understand, listen to me, you're recruited and you don't need to do any test anymore, you'll return with me directly to Mumbai the day after tomorrow, if you really want to do what you're saying then it would be my honor and my luck if someone like you joins my company, this resume of your tells me that you're way more qualified than what needed qualifications are so congratulations for getting the job.", the duo was surprised by the topper acting as such but they were even more surprised by my decision. Anyways getting the best of the country was really a great start.

The second day of recruitment ended like that, many students were recruited and told that they needed to join the company a month later.

I sent Maya, Shanaya and Sania back to Jabalpur while I myself went to Mumbai with Sumit and some other people which the man in turban sent to help me.

Sikh people are really generous. I knew he was doing it all just because he wanted his investment to not go in vain but I was really thankful for his help. He was helping me arranging a lot of things.

Like that a month later the first small step towards world development(domination) was taken.



Sorry about any wrong information, I know nothing about the recruitment process, startup or anything else, all of it is just some silly thing I wanted to write so that there's some kind of story building.


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