

Liam couldn't help but giggle the moment he heard that scream, because he knew he was in for a very big ass whopping. He knew he had really gone overboard but could he be blamed really?

Jane was literally trying to get out of bed, but all her legs were literally aching. Her waist was aching, her body was full of tiny marks here and there, and she couldn't help but once again shout her husband's name out of utter frustration because she felt like she was going to finish this man one day. He turned her into a helpless person!

Liam prepared himself as he made sure that he had toned down his laugh before he got into their room with a very innocent expression, only to be hit with a bed lamp, making him cover his nose in pain as he looked at her as if he had been severely wronged.

"Baby. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong my foot! What is this? Look at my helpless state!"

"I can barely stand up Liam!"
