
chapter 4

it's been another year and we've been going in and out of fights with pirates marines and several organizations. Being around TAICHOU gave me a direct understanding of his character he had an ambition he wanted to rule the world and he had more than enough strength to go on that road, what is my goal? my ambition? and what is the purpose of my life ? ... I have been thinking stuff like this for the past week and I've been easily distracted but when I sat down and thought about it I got what I wanted to be I wanted to be a figure of insurmountable strength I wanted to be a figure of loyalty I want to be the strongest person to have ever existed I know it's naive and stuff but can't a man dream?

I have been making progress in my strength I'm 9 foot now and even though I'm tall for a 15-year old I'm not that weird my training has progressed leaps and bounds now instead of increasing muscle I'm condensing it and increasing the density of my already impressive muscles by fighting dozens of seakings underwater it's hard as hell but my will won't falter

there has been a pirate crew named roger pirates they're pretty fun we fought them last time we encountered them in paradise the captain was as strong as pops and his sword was a supreme grade black blade it was an interesting fight since Shiki,linlin and Wang Zhi awakened the devil fruits they fought against the crew members while I fought the right-hand man silvers D Rayleigh pretty cool guy the fight went on like this


Lincoln POV:

I'm facing the right-hand man of the pirates while TAICHOU is chilling he was a tall guy wearing round glasses wearing a black robe or something..lol

we readied our swords and lashed out on each other I coated my sword with advanced haki and so did he and our swords clashed it release a shockwave he retreated and leaped forward again I changed my stance and parried his strike going for the offense I swung my sword sideways and he parried it just in time our clashes weren't serious and we were just observing each others level

after a few more clashes both of us imbued conqueror haki onto our swords and clashed this time creating a stalemate between us and resulting in the earth breaking beneath our feet and debris to fly away we fought for a stalemate for 3days and 3nights before our stamina wrung dry and TAICHOU told us to retreat but the fight was won by me because I had fewer bruises and I slashed his eye clotting it with blood giving me an advantage of we fought for another day I would have won but you know you can't get everything the way you want.



ROGER: Rayleigh! how was the kid you fought? he seems to have beaten you up pretty badly !! wahahahaha

Rayleigh: he was a monster in the skin and that's coming to form me his face accentuates his age to around 15 years and he can face me head-on and defeat me if not for his captain to make him retreat then I would have lost miserably he even gave me a scar for my eye gladly I retreated if not he would have taken my eye too a monster I tell you a monster but just in strength his conqueror haki gave you a feeling of power and honor a figure to look for in the future I tell you !!

Roger: hahaha I was able to get some info on him from Newgate he's his adopted son he's real proud of him I tell you and from your information, he will probably be able to get on par with me within the next year and maybe stronger than his captain in the next 5 years

***Lincoln pov**

linlin: tch TAICHOU isn't interested in me!

kaido: why do you want to sleep with him?

Lincoln: maybe she has a crush on TAICHOU? oh my is this something called a maiden's heart?

kaido: snort! this woman has slept with more men than the sand grains of a beach!

linlin: how dare you kaido I'll fucking rip your head from your shoulders I'm still a virgin you drunkard!

kaido: why don't you try ya fucking slut !!

Lincoln: hahahaha chill you guys !!

kaido &linlin: then fight us Lincoln!

Lincoln: then come to daddy I'll kick ya asses hahahahah!!

we have been recruiting more and more people we have around 700 people in our crew. XEBEC TAICHOU has been thinking about making division commanders and wanted me to be one so I went with it they call me the kind psychopath I don't know why they named me like that but they sound pretty cool they increased to 600 million while pops are 2.5 billion and TAICHOU is 3.2 billion only things stopping us are more crew members and being new to the scene compared to the yonkos

in the new world, there are 5 emperor's and we are gonna clash against one of the next months TAICHOU likes the place he has as his base of operations so he wants to fight them the five emperor's names are

1. femdot askansa, the only female among the emperors has a huge crush on Henry but Henry is a married man so he isn't interested and askansa can't fight against the strongest woman in the world i.e Henry's wife .she is 12 feet tall ate the slow slow fruit and awakened it able to slow the rotation of the world bringing mass destruction also her attacked combined with you destroy internal attacks and make organs irreparable to even the strongest people she is the weakest emperor, a beautiful lady

her haki is very strong capable of destroying islands with her strength taichoiu is interested in her and Intended to make her his woman she is very voluptuous dark red hair fair skin and has a very dominant behavior she leads the flamboyant pirates where all her pirates are flamboyant and has weird fetishes and stuff super weird crew .she has 5000 pirates under her banner

2. axial .d. Mike, leads the battery pirates ate the Goro Goro no mi he actually resides in sky islands and only comes down in his ship that can fly with his devil fruit he is proficient in all types of haki but his fruit is what puts him just below tutank his attacks are mass destructive and he is experienced he is too reliant on his devil fruit that's his downside but no one has the guts to go against him except the keimatiism pirates and the Henry pirates peak transformation tutank can handle him like a kid and Henry can one-shot him in serious mode. he has light blue hair 13 feet tall muscular arms and torso chicken legs and wears a normal shirt and a captain's robe on top of it he displays his scars on his pectorals and chest from fighting the previous emperor for his throne is the god of sky islands. he has 6700 men in his crew

3. tutank Amun ate the Zoan mythical fruit Ra god of the sun he can transform into a humanoid falcon he uses a spear and can control heat he is strongest in midday but even in his normal form he can go tie to toe with TAICHOU and beat him after a long battle he leads the keimatiism pirates he can launch incredibly dense solar balls formed between his horns that are said to be as strong as Pluto in its peak and his roar is imbued with kings haki and able to make able-bodied men retards during his peak condition he is as strong as Henry but not able to defeat him he is bare-bodied torso has some scars on his packs and chest wears ornaments on his next and has some makeup on his eyelashes he wears a loose pant and some weird shoes

4. deadly moon werewolf Sam, has eaten the Zoan werewolf fruit and he is strongest when it's a full moon he is as strong as TAICHOU or a little more when it's a full moon and that speaks volumes. he is still stronger than Guiseppe Mike when it isn't a full moon he leads the moon pirates with a count of 7000 pirates and is based on the howling island in the new world. He wears a furry robe and a captains robe on top of it he has a claw mark on his chest and has dark blue spiky hair

5. and the strongest of them all and the oldest the Strongest Man in the world the emperor of the half of new world Francis .d.joseph henry

he hasn't eaten any devil fruit he is 29 feet tall uses a saber called savage volcano that gives the wielder explosive power the more pressure it develops the more it explodes it can emit high pressure. able to melt the surroundings and when he is serious the magma releases lightning and is very destructive he can manhandle all the other emperor's except tutank Amun he needs to be serious to defeat him he is the strongest swordsman in the world he is also the strongest hand to hand fighter among the emperor's he is old but he is a league above the other emperor's his wife Francis .d. Dalia is his right hand and first division commander he has a daughter called Francis .d.rogue she is 25 years old and she is very strong she has a bounty of 860 million berries. Francis .d.joseph Henry wears the black captain's attire a kimono inside it his sword strapped on his side he has black hair and a huge beard with white patches on his beard and head on his prime days he could destroy the island with a swipe of his finger or so they say he is 78 years old he is not that far off from his strength fork his prime he has an armada of 17000 pirates with various famous pirates under his banner

their bounties are

1. sloth femdot askansa, 2.9 billion her right hand is blue dagger lady Gaga with a bounty of 2 billion, flamboyant pirates

2. electro man axial .d. Mike, 3.5 billion his right-hand man is large mushami bounty of 2.7 billion, battery pirates

3. deadly moon werewolf Sam with a bounty of 3.8 billion right-hand man ravens gin bounty of 2.9 billion leads the moon pirates

4. tutank Amun,4.2 billion right-hand men doghead Osiris with a bounty of 3 billion leads the keimatiism pirates

5. Francis .D. Joseph Henry, 4.9 billion, Francis .D.Dalia,4 billion leads the Henry pirates
