
Chapter 2 - Mother (2)

The Neem tree in my backyard is big, but climbing it was super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Of course, the thanks goes to my butt who lowered the damage on the fall during practise.

I started picking out leaves and dropping them on the ground. It hadn't rained yet, so the ground was dry.


It seemed like it was going to rain anytime and it will be a heavy rain as usual.

After it rains, we will have to burn these leaves to kill all the mosquito.

Let alone mosquitoes, even I would stay away from this if it wasn't my own house. Just smelling it will make you feel like you drunk some bitter medicine.

After plucking out enough leaves, I dropped to the ground and picked them up.

While going around the house, I found something standing in front of the house.

Since I went to the backyard first, I didn't noticed it before.

It was a chariot.

Could it be of my father? Only he parks the chariot here.

This was probably what Vrushali had forgotten.

Well, this is a city of Suta/Charioteers. Parked chariot is a very common sight.

Although late, it is good that father has arrived before mother gives the birth to the baby she is holding for so many months.

My attentions was brought onto the voice coming out of the window.

Though instead of joyful mood for the arrival of my father, there was sound of sobbing.

After putting the leaves inside the chariot, I jumped and held onto the vertical bars of the window.

My mother could be seen crying as she hugged father tightly.

"There, there. Don't cry," father said.

Did he brought some bad news from the capital?

Or is that he has to go to war as the charioteer of Lord Bhishma?

After taking a deep breathe to calm down, mother spoke.

"This must be a sign from the gods. They must be doing this as a signals to let him know about the truth," mother said with fear and concern mixed in her voice.

Father tried to argue, "We don't know about that. Maybe it is just a coincidence."

What are they talking about?

"Having the same dream over and over for more than a week is not a coincidence."

Dream? For a week? They are talking about me.

"I'm just-"

"Worried, I know," father finished her sentence for her, "And I also know why."

What is it about my dream that they know and didn't tell me? And why is my mother worried?

"But if it is the will of the creator, who are we to resist. Let the nature take its course."

Mother didn't say anything. Though she still seems to be thinking about it.

But why was she worried about it. If she knows something, why not just tell me.

Father continued, "We intended to tell him later on anyway. It doesn't matter much whether he finds out sooner or later."

"He is and always will be our son. We love him and he loves us back. And nothing will change that matter."

"So what if we are not his birth parent."



The sky broke and water started pouring.

My brain didn't have any energy to holding onto the window anymore as I dropped to the ground.

My mind went blank as I set there on the ground, with tears coming out my eyes.

I don't know how to feel, but it feels like someone is crushing my heart.

There was unbearable pain the chest as if it was a leaf being crumpled by a hand.

It was nice that rain was hiding my tears.

I stood up and went back up to the tree.

Right now, I didn't want to be seen by anyone. Just be alone.. For some time.

Even at this time, there was thought of what would my parents think, if they find me in such a situation.

Crying your heart out sure makes you feel more refreshed. Highly recommended.

I think I understand my feelings more now.

Why did I felt betrayed? It was not because mother didn't tell me that I was adopted.

My "real" mother abandoned me as soon as I was born.

She might have her reason, maybe a good one too.

But does it really matter anymore?

She made her decision. She doesn't want to be my mother.

Now that I can think clearly, I understand why mother didn't tell me.

She was just afraid that I would treat her differently or even worse, abandon her.

Well, she was right. I am not gonna treat her same way.

Because I appreciate and love her even more.

So what if she is not my birth mother. She never treated me any differently.

Even when she is going to give birth to another child very soon, she is worried more about me.

She never treated me as another child.

I'm not sure if I can even repay back all the love she given me in this life.

But I will spend my whole life to do so.

While I was thinking about it, rain—which had tempered down by now— stopped, and there was sunshine again.

I looked into the eyes of the Sun and made a resolution as I wiped my tears.

"Are you listening?" Radha's voice came out of the kitchen.

Adhiratha replied, "Yes, I'm listening, dear," as he entered the house with some leaves in his hands.

"Go find Vasu. The food is ready," Radha said, "And go check if someone else have stocked some Neem leaves. We will need it."

Radha came out of the kitchen, surprised to see the leaves in the hands.

Adhiratha explained, "There were some in the Chariot. Maybe it was Vasusena who put them there."

"Then why is he not here? And when did he put them?" 

"I don't know." Adhiratha shrugged, "As for where he is, he must be still playing with his friends."

While they were talking, Vasusena came into the house slowly.

"Oh, there you are," Radha knelt down and cleaned his soaked body with a cloth, "Look at you. Why did you keep on playing even though it was raining so much. Come back early next time. What if you fell ill."

Vasusena sniffed the sweet smell coming from kitchen and asked, "Did you make Halwa today?

She then looked at Vasusena with tender eyes and said, "Yes, I made some Halwa."

"Yayy!! I love halwa. I had a dream where I was eating Halwa but woke up and found out that it was all an illusion," said Vasusena with excitement.

There was a slight astonishment in Radha's face.

"How did you know that I want to eat this mother? You are definitely the best mother in the world." 

Vasusena said gave a long kiss on his mother's cheek and tightly hugged her.

Radha couldn't say anything as she tried to keep her emotions in check, not wanting to worry her son.

Both of them needed this hug. So for a while they silently stayed like that.

"Umm… how about we eat the food before it gets cold." Adhiratha interrupted this beautiful mother and son moment.

"Oh, father. You were here too? How come I didn't notice you? Maybe it is because you are never at home. Hmm… that must be why." Vasusena nodded as if he had said something profound.


"You should have stayed silent, dear. You can forget about another child for next 2 years."


Not knowing how to counter this situation, Adhiratha just shook his head and accepted the defeat.

"You pair of mother and son." He couldn't help but chuckle.

Both mother and son joined in with their laughter.

"Alright, I will put out the food. It has been so long since we all three ate together."

"And, Vasu," Radha looked straight into the eyes of Vasusena and said, "If you ever get such dream, or any other kind of dream, tell me. So I know what to prepare."

"En. I will, mom." Vasu said with a bright smile.

'Sorry, mother, for lying to you. I just don't want you to be worried. Maybe in the future, I'll tell you everything.'

'Hopefully, I won't be seeing that dream again.'


I had that dream again.

But there was something strange about it this time.

The reason why I never suspected that baby to me was because I could see that couple's faces, and they definitely did not look like my parents.

But that is not the strange part.

The strange part is what they say in my dream.

"We'll call him Karna."

Karna? Is that baby someone else? Because after all…

"I am not Karna."

I tried to mix childish and mature (or turning mature) personality. Tell me if it came out well.

JoJo_Sonicreators' thoughts