

Kal-El is hovering over the city of Berlin. So far, the city remained intact from any bombings and the German military were still adamant in fighting the two front war. The people of Berlin held their hopes on the newly founded super soldiers and saw them as a beacon of power. News of their success through the Arden forest had given the people new hopes of winning the war.

While Kal-El is trying to sooth his anger, his thoughts were still raging from the brutality of the Nazi regime.

So many questions popped into his head of the what ifs and if he could have done more. He had all these powers and yet he let all of those things happen.

Looking at his bloodied fist, Kal-El wonders if killing and violence is the only method to this regime. His blood pumps in excitement at the thought of killing and it made him a little sick to think about.

Back at the Artic, Kal-El learned more of his unique royal Kryptonian physiology. He learned that his body adapts well in dangerous situations and fighting anyone and anything brings him a sense of cathartic release under these stressful conditions. While this didn't seem too terrible, the prolonged state of this would make him do things that he might regret. The sense of bloodlust and killing to Kal-El would desensitize himself to the point where it can truly make him a monster.

A particular note of this was when his ancestors of the same lineage would succumb to their emotions and rampage in Krypton which resulted in many people dying. Even without the yellow sun, his ancestor managed to kill millions before unceremoniously dying with his lover. Interestingly enough, she was the only one who managed to bring him back from the brink.

Kal-El wonders if he also had someone like that. Thinking about it now, the image of Diana pops into his head.

No, there was no point pondering in idle thoughts right now, the war must end and killing another Nazi didn't seem all too bad considering the circumstances.

His fist tightens as Kal-El begins to descend upon the city square and towards a notable building.

The Reichstag building in front of him in particular is used as a symbol of Nazi power. It is a building of ceremonial role for the Nazi party and it is an ugly sight for Kal-El.

Using his x-ray vision, Kal-El sees a gathering of leaders within the building.

'These people are the mastermind of the vile actions taken upon those innocent victims.' Kal-El will make sure to make them pay.

With his entrance upon the steps, a crowd of people began whispering among each other. They all heard the tales of a Superman in the war, even when information was tightly held, the notion of a super powered man still circulated within the public.

"Mommy mommy! Who is that man and how is he flying like that?" One child cried out tugging at their mother.

Another child jumps up and down pointing at Kal-El smiling.

"Is he a super soldier, father?" A small boy asks his father who looks grimly at Kal-El.

"Shush yourself boy, we must get out of here right away!" The father says tugging his son's hand away trying to shuffle out of the crowd.

The insignia of the house of El had become a symbol of fear within the German people. But children were all too oblivious to it at the moment.

Women held their children tightly by the hand as they shushed the children who continued staring at Kal-El in wonder.

Looking at their faces, Kal-El softens a little bit he was being looked upon by the children. His outfit was dried of blood already but his fist still remained a little bloody from the recent killings. He tugs his hand away as he continues hovering towards the Reichstag.

Kal-El pays them no mind as he continues walking towards the large building in front of him. As he gets closer, Kal-El notices a hanging of 5 men and women with signs around their necks.

'Death to the enemies of the third Reich!'

Kal-El's face darkens as he is having a difficult time not lashing out and killing any soldiers within his view right now. But some rationality remained within himself when he saw children and women in the crowd.

Using his heat vision, Kal-El cuts the rope around the necks of the executed and carefully places their body on the ground. Kal-El looks solemnly at the dead before moving on.

During all of this commotion, Nazi SS guards sees Kal-El and begins surrounding him. The platoon of soldiers surround Kal-El aiming their weapons at him.

Unfortunately for them, Kal-El pays them no mind.

They nervously watch his movements unsure on what to do. They would normally detain and arrest him, but no one has the balls enough to approach Superman. Not after the commotion in Poland where it left many dead.

But finally after a few minutes, a brave German senior officer speaks up pointing at Kal-El.

"Stop! You are not allowed here, turn back or we will detain you." The brave officer shouts.

The other German soldiers could only shake their head internally at that remark.

'Stop Superman? A tank's shell and bullet couldn't even make a scratch on his body, how the hell were they going to stop this man before them?'

Many of the soldier's hearts pound in anticipation of Superman's next move.

"I'm only going to give you only one warning. Get out of my way." Kal-El threatens in a quiet voice but it speaks volume since people felt a chill down their spine. His eyes burn red with plasma energy as he speaks.

"Hmm...is this the Superman I have heard so much about?" A man says stepping out of the crowd of soldiers. His posture was confident and his demeanor unfearful of Kal-El.

Kal-El remains silent as he scans the man before him. He can tell that he was different from the others around him. There was a slight power aura emitting from the man but it wasn't enough to make Kal-El serious.

"My name is Albrecht Krieger, leader of the newly created SS elite force. How about you step away from this premise and return back to once you came." Albrecht smiles.

"I gave you all a warning, I'm here to end the war and bring those responsible for killing the innocent who had no stake in this war of domination." Kal-El says.

"What innocence? Are you talking about the trashes of society? They are the ones who pollute this country and planet with their presence. They don't contribute to anything of worth and are pitiful. I gave them a way out from this cruel world in order to advance our race!" Albrecht pauses before continuing.

"They were weak and deserved to die like the dogs they were. Surely you can understand this. Me and you, we are men of power! We are the superior race of people on this planet Superman!" Albrecht exclaims fanatically.

Seeing the silent Superman, Albrecht sighed and shook his head.

"I wonder if Diana has the same inclinations as me. Surely she can see the futility of those people who live like dirt."

Kal-El's eyes narrowed.

"How do you know that name?" Kal-El asks.

Albrecht smiles before answering.

"From Ares...he was very open to information about the world of the Gods. In fact, he was very helpful to our cause. He knows that the weak deserve nothing but death and that only the strongest should survive. Unfortunately, Hippolyta didn't see it that way."

Hearing that information made Kal-El's heart drop, the experiences and memories of his adopted mother came rushing towards him. While she wasn't the best mother, Hippolyta still cared for him and looked after him when no one else did.

"Join me Superman, together we can shape this world in our own image."

Kal-El's eyes begin to glow red.

"What happened to Hippolyta?"

"That whore she-"

Kal-El didn't let Albrecht finish his words as his fist connected with Albrecht's face sending him flying back. Kal-El made sure to hold back enough to let him survive so that he could still talk. With a burst of speed Kal-El takes a hold of Albrecht's neck looking at him straight in the eyes.

"What did you do to my mother?" Kal-El growls.

Albrecht struggled to escape Kal-El's hold on his neck. Fear was overcoming him as he thought that the serum would make him at least Superman's level. But boy was he wrong.

He can't die now!

"A-Ares! Ares was the one who killed Hippolyta. I-I had no hand in it." Albrecht says choking on his words.

Kal-El's fears were realized as the shock from the news made him release Albrecht from his hold.

So many thoughts were racing into his mind at the moment, guilt began to engulf Kal-El.

'He wasn't there to help Hippolyta when she was in danger. His own mother for better or worse died when he had the power to make a difference. How about Diana? Her own mother was killed and he abandoned her.'

Kal-El's dark thoughts continue to cloud his mind.

Albrecht coughs on the ground looking at the distraught Superman. Looking at his own trembling hands, Albrecht's ego had taken a blow. Albrecht had thought that he was a titan above these people, but now he felt nothing but jealousy and spit towards Superman. He wanted to get rid of this feeling, this feeling of inferiority.

Looking at the state of Superman now, Albrecht was sure that Superman is vulnerable. He must kill Superman right here and now before it was too late.

With a quick dash mustering as much energy as he can, Albrecht points his dagger at Superman's neck.

The distance between them closes and Superman continues to look down, Albrecht knew he had a good chance right here.

'Yes!' The blade was about an inch from Superman when suddenly Albrecht felt his whole body freeze. His body couldn't move at all and sweat ran down his back.

'What was this feeling?'

Albrecht felt like a cornered animal who was trembling at a beast. His body didn't move as he wanted to. He looks over to Superman whose eyes seem to be bleeding red from the intense energy within them.

'Oh no.' Albrecht knew he made a huge mistake. The biggest threat to the Nazi regime wasn't the Soviets or Allies, it was this man right here.

Hey long time to see, I've been so busy with academic studies. I'm not out of the woodwork yet since Finals are coming up and I need to prepare myself for them. Hopefully you guys were having a great time with your own things. Anyway thanks for reading.

PS. The Valorant Masters was awesome if anyone else watched.

JohnFrostcreators' thoughts