
The Reason (1)

Wrik considered whether or not to take the fifth glass of alcohol. He saw the servants going around with the tray that held the wines. The people were drinking with no concern. He could just refresh himself just by swirling his mana a little, not to say the poison resistance he gained in the test. But drinking more of it will still have a bad effect on his body, not to say about the psychological effect.

The dance floor was full now. He saw Davin dancing with Byul. Both of them appear too stiff to enjoy the moment. 

He chuckled and saw a manservant coming his way. Wrik shook his head, showing he wanted no more drinks, but the servant came anyway. He raised an eyebrow to find the servant pulling out a piece of paper, he held it to him. 

"A gentleman asked me to give it to you, Sire" the servant said. 
