
Past - 75

A mouth pressed to hers. It was not hard and sloppy. It was not full of a random tongue that penetrated her mouth like a wet hose.

It felt nice.

He sucked her bottom lip gently, rubbing it against his soft lips.

Then he kissed her again, the hair on his chin rubbing against her slightly. Breath filled her lungs when he breathed into her.

She realized her dream had changed,

Paul was the one kissing her. He was shirtless and sweaty, exactly as she saw him that morning. He kissed her softly and dug his hand into her hair. He showed the gentle side of him, not the temperamental man that snapped at the slightest irritation.

His fingers rubbed against her clit, and she felt her knees fall away because it felt so good. She had not been touched like that in forever.
