
The Bright Star

After his dramatic entrance, Govad indicated for his followers to set up their streaming equipment before he concealed his colourful wings. He walked to the head table like a lazy peacock while smiling and looking at the group with interest. 

He bowed to Rex with a hand over his heart. "My King, it is always a pleasure to see you." 

Abaddon was used to this dramatic demi-angel, so he did not take anything he said or did to heart. He was like a cute child to him. It did not matter if he was a little mischievous. 

"Samiel, you look well." Govad turned and said with a warm smile. 

"Changing my diet from drinking alcohol daily worked wonders," Samiel responded. 

Govad laughed. "Speak for yourself. I have never looked better." 

He turned to Ariel. "You have not visited the castle in a while. You have been missed." 

The female demi-angel smiled cutely. "I am a busy lady. I cannot party every day like you." 
