
Chapter 40

Kathryn, practically flew up the stairs and into Xavier's arms. If Xavier wasn't a werewolf he would have flown backwards with the force at which she threw herself at him.

Xavier reluctantly hugged her back and I watched in silence as she squealed some nonsense. I didn't react, I mean Xavier told me they were just friends and from what I gathered he didn't like her that much. I don't even know why I was getting jealous, I just was.

Xavier pried her hands off of him and moved closer to me. As soon as he put his arm around me Kathryn finally decided to acknowledge me.

We made eye contact and her blue eyes practically stabbed me, however, her smile was as bright as the sun. She was probably trying to burn me with it or something. She clearly didn't like me but I was used to not being liked so I couldn't care less.

"Xavi, is this one of your flings, hmmm?" As she said those words, her eyes narrowed in on my neck which I'm sure was sprouting hickeys. Boy, did I want to shove a potato down her throat.

Xavier was about to say something but I cut him off and instead I smiled brightly down at her and said,

"Unfortunately not Sweetheart, but I am his mate and your Queen Luna. So I suggest you bow." Yikes, my bitchy side clearly decided to make herself known. I inwardly cringed, maybe that was a little mean.

I could feel Xavier's eyes on my face but I paid him no mind and continued to look at Kathryn who had a shocked expression on her face.

Her doe eyes were as round as tennis balls and her plump lips were wide open. She blinked once, twice and then turned to look at Xavier.

"She's lying, isn't she, Xavi!"

"No, she is not." Xavier said in a clipped tone.

"She must be! She's probably tricked you! Like- like a witch or something!"


"Kathryn, enough of this nonsense. Now bow before your king and queen so that we can go and have breakfast. My mate is hungry."

Kathryn went red. Her cheeks puffed out and her eyes were practically burning with rage. She couldn't refuse Xavier's command and biting her teeth she briskly bowed before us.

I honestly don't like people bowing to me but in this moment, right now, I couldn't have loved it more. I don't know why but I really disliked her. I don't know if it was because I knew she was lusting after my mate and my wolf and I were were not having that or if it was because she was so rude to me. It's probably both.

We made our way down to breakfast and I almost had a mini panic attack at the amount of wolves that turned to look at us as soon as we entered the dining room, which was almost as big as a ballroom.

A massive, long table went from one end of the room to the other and werewolves were seated at almost every chair, plies of food littered its length.

The entire hall went silent and then they all abruptly stood up. I felt Xavier take my hand and I was so grateful. He lead me along and soon we were at the head of the table. The table was so big that there was two chairs at the head and not one.

Xavier pulled both of them out and stood in front of one of the chairs and then he pulled me right next to him and in front of the other chair.

"I have brought you all a gift." Xavier's voice boomed out from next to me. He stood tall and powerful as he looked on at his pack members who were giving him their undivided attention.

"A gift that not only this pack, but all the packs under my rule have needed desperately for years. One in which I have searched high and low to find. My mate, the other half of my soul, stands next to me today. Your Queen Luna has finally come home and she is my gift to you all."

My heart was beating so rapidly I was sure it was going to tear right through my chest. Every single pair of eyes turned to look at me. Xavier did not tell me he was going to do this! He just put me on the spot! Oh gods, my neck is full of hickeys! Oh gods, everyone can see them! Shit, shit, shit, I do not look like a Queen, I must look like some cheap thing! I didn't know his entire pack would be here! What ever happened to an initiating ceremony?! I thought I'd meet everyone at the so called meeting this afternoon that Xavier kept going on about!

I'm going to shave his eyebrows in his sleep for doing this to me!

They all looked at me silently for a while and then they cried out in-in howls. The sound was so deafening I shrunk back a little. The werewolves then bowed deeply before me and continued to cheer and howl and- and I was extremely overwhelmed.

I have never felt this welcomed before in my entire life.

"Silence," Xavier said and immediately the hall went dead silent.

I noticed Luca was smiling at me. He was sitting to Xavier's right and I gave him a nervous smile in return. I looked around again and I was met with a stony expression from Killian. He glared at me from my left and I chose to ignore him and looked away. Perhaps not everyone was as welcoming then.

"You may all continue to eat and afterwards you may come up and personally greet your Queen Luna." With that said Xavier sat down in his chair and I did as well. The pack soon followed our example and the hall quickly broke out in noise once more.

I leaned closer to Xavier and whispered as softly as I could to him,


He glanced at me from the corner of his eye and sighed deeply.

"What did I do now?"

I scooted closer to him and continued to whisper, yell at him.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Before he could reply I continued my little rant.

"You just announced me to your entire pack-"

"This isn't my entire pack."

My eyes widened at his words.

"Seriously, wow, no-no I'm not getting off topic here! You announced me to your pack and you didn't warn me! I-we both have huge hickeys everywhere and I didn't even dress properly and now they are all going to come and greet me and I do not look like a Queen! Xavier are you even listening to me?" I asked angrily as I noticed he hadn't even turned to look at me, instead he was busy eating his food silently.

"Yes, Love I heard you. I, myself was not expecting this many of my pack members to be here but I guess they all heard I arrived and with some one so naturally they all wanted to come and see. I had to introduce you and besides there is nothing embarrassing about showing affection for your mate.

They probably assume we have already completed the mating process the moment we saw each other so a few hickeys is nothing to be concerned about. I doubt they even care, in fact they must be thrilled. Also, look around do you see anyone dressed formally? "

I did what he said and noticed everyone was in plain jeans and t-shirts, some were still in their pyjamas, well the younger ones were.

"No..." I answered him hesitantly. He looked at me then from the corner of his eye and gave me a, 'exactly' look. He then looked down at my empty plate and commanded that I fill my plate and eat something before he feeds me himself.

I relaxed after that and ate as much as I could because I was starving, I hadn't even noticed how hungry I was. After we were both finished Xavier said anyone who wanted to come greet me could come and do so.

I grew nervous at that but the first werewolf to come up to me was a little girl. She was the cutest little thing ever, probably six or seven.

She hung her head and swayed from side to side as she said softly,

"My-my mummy said I have to come and-and say hello." As she said that she looked up and I followed her gaze to a lady who was beaming and staring at both me and her daughter. The lady, her mother waved at us from down the table and gestured to her daughter to continue.

I smiled and looked back down at her.

"You're very pretty." She said shyly and I just wanted to hug her.

"Thank you and what is your name?" I said smiling. She looked up at me this time and said nervously,


"That's a beautiful name. Mines Victoria but how about you call me Tori?"

Her eyes grew wide at my words and she shook her head furiously. I didn't quite understand her sudden fear until she said,

"I can't call you that, Queen Luna! Mummy will shout at me!"

"Oh, ahh..."

"You may call her Luna?" Xavier said as he leaned a little across me so that he could speak to Angela.

Angela actually blushed at him and quickly bowed.

"Okay, bye Luna! Bye Alpha! " with that said she quickly ran away and towards her mother.

After that a few more werewolves came to greet me and they were all so polite and they were all beyond happy to meet me. My checks were hurting from all the smiling I was doing. Everyone was just so nice. I truly felt so humbled and loved, it was a strange feeling from how I've felt my entire life. Xavier was mostly silent, he just continued to sit next to me and watch everything only speaking now and again.

I could feel his happiness though at knowing his pack accepted me and I them. I never thought I would ever be wanted by my mate, let alone his pack members.

There was only two people who I was sure was not happy at me and that was surprise, surprise, Kathryn and Killian. I knew what Kathryn's issue with me was but I didn't know what I ever did to Killian to be disliked by him.

He just glared at me the whole time.

Breakfast ended pretty late and so it was only a few more hours until Xavier was going to hold his meeting and I was to join. I wondered what it was going to be about.
