
Chapter 15

'WHAT?!' I screamed.

'What did you just say?!' I immediately stood up from the couch and Xavier looked alarmed and stood up as well towering over me but I'll be damned if I feel intimidated by this liar!

Xavier took a deep breath and tried to get out a sentence, ' I said that I am the Al-'

' I heard what you said!'

Xavier just stood there not knowing what to say.

I cannot believe it! I think I'm slightly in shock. I literally don't know how to retract to this. I don't even know what I'm feeling right now, I'm that mad and shocked I feel betrayed beyond words.

' How.... how could you lie to me like that. About something so freaking important!' I practically yelled in his face now.

Xavier searched my face.

' I...I did not lie to you I just did not tell you.' He sort of whispered it, maybe it just sounded like a whisper after all my screaming but I didn't care.

' Oh please don't give me that bull shit. Oh wait, my bad I forgot. Don't give me that bull shit your majesty.' I sarcastically retorted.

I wonder if he expected me to bow to his royal arse. I mean he does act like he's the dominant one in our relationship, if you could even call what we have a relationship.

Xavier just scoffed angrily, he scoffed! I'm certain I'm red in the face right now my anger was simmering.

' Do not ever call me that, you do not ever have to address me as that!' Xavier's eyes darkened with his anger but I was beyond caring. He shouldn't even be angry.

' Oh really ? I wouldn't know, anything else you'd like to enlighten me on? Any other secrets?' I put my fingers on my chin faking being curious. He knew I was beyond angry and so he just continued to stare at me.

' I was going to tell you everything that day I invited you to my house but instead you decided to reject me so forgive me for not wanting to scare you even further!' Xavier was getting worked up, his breathing was getting rapid and his voice was rising but so was mine.

' Okay well so what? You had weeks to tell me, like how about yesterday or the day before that or I don't know like this morning? Huh?!' My hands were everywhere expressing my raging anger at him.

' I DID NOT WANT TO SCARE YOU OFF! As it is I had to walk on egg shells around you, not knowing what you were thinking or feeling! You could of rejected me or run off, which you did!' His eyes were almost pitch black now and he was right in my face. His fists were clenched at his sides and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Don't turn this around on me! And sorry for not shouting how I felt from the rooftops! You did kidnap me remember you just walked into my life and started demanding I do this and that and obey and do as you say well guess what, I'm never going to sit and obey you like some pathetic wimp! I have a back bone and demand to be treated as an equal! One that should of been told from the start that her mate was the FUCKING ALPHA KING!!!!"

I screamed it right in his face and he looked shocked for a moment and leaned slightly back from me. His eyes were wide opened and his raging anger was replaced with understanding all most as if he's just figured something out.

He abruptly turned around and stiffly started walking, marching to the door with tensed shoulders.

I could practically hear his teeth grinding from where I stood.

' Don't you dare walk away from me! This isn't over!' I seethed as I began walking towards him.

He didn't even turn around and just yanked the door open and walked out slamming it so hard it shook in my face.


I had been in the library for hours now. It was so silent and no one was in here besides myself and I was so grateful. I don't think I could of dealt with people right now.

I was driving myself insane with my thoughts. Immediately after I calmed down slightly my first thought was," I'm going to be the Queen Luna?" It filled me with dread, utter dread.

Xavier being an Alpha was daunting enough on its own but the king! That was something else all together.

I've never payed much attention to the royals, hell I barely payed attention to my own pack. I didn't even know the names of the royals just general stuff I've heard about them over the years.

I know they are extremely powerful especially the King his power was something else all together. And too think he's my mate dear Moon Goddess help me. I also know what ever they say goes and every single werewolf including Alphas had to obey them. They were our royalty! Oh gawd I was royalty.

I put my hands in my face and sighed not knowing what to think anymore.

I know most she werewolves would be over the moon with joy to find out their mate was the gods damn king but not me.

The amount of people who actually liked me I could count on my fingers and I was fine with that, kind of. The King and Queen, I'm sure had to be somewhat liked. I didn't know the first thing about being a royal let alone a Queen.

I couldn't do this. I just couldn't. I should of just rejected him that day but just the mere thought of that made my heart ache.

I realized I didn't get any other answers from him but at least I know now why I'm being attacked. Xavier had a target the size of Mount Everest on his back.

But what I can't seem to figure out is how theses people who ever they were knew I was his mate.

Were we being watched? Spied on? Was Chris and Ginger in danger as well? Were they safe right now? I didn't even know.

I can't believe I was so stupid. How could I not have figured out he was the king? There were so many sighs now that I think about it. His servants calling him " Highness " and I think Grace mentioned his surname, Decesare I think that's the royal surname. It didn't even register. Ginger would always act so weird around him and man I was so blind.

He's right about one thing, him being the king is scaring me off and it doesn't help that's he's lied to me.

I rested my head on the arm chair and pulled my legs up and tucked them underneath me. I was so tired. Tired and scared and sad and just full of emotions right now. All I wanted to do was curl up and sleep. Closing my eyes I decided to rest for a minute, just a minute.

I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep in the library but I did and I vaguely remember being carried and grey eyes staring down at me.
