
Star - The Box Part 4




Bailey and Reed were just as saddened by the fact that my father continued to blow off and ignore my mother. If he hadn't abandoned her, she might not have fallen into Uncle Howard's trap. It was definitely a horrible situation that had unfolded.

I both wanted to and didn't want to continue searching the box. I wanted to know what else my mother had to both tell and show me from the past and beyond the grave. That thought also led me to wonder just where my mother had been buried. I never did know anything about that.

I pushed that thought aside though as I reached into the box again. There were other letters, older ones that I could read later. There were pictures of many different people. some that looked much older than just when I was a baby. I saw a little girl and a boy that was maybe one or two years older than her. They definitely looked like siblings. They had similar hair and eye colors. They looked happy, and close.
