George went inside, there's a huge twelve inches wide and thirty feet deep glass tub filled with full of clear water. George couldn't understand anything. Then there's a hand leaned on george's shoulder.
Its william, right next to him.
"What happened george? Still confused?" william asked with a laugh.
"Where is she?" george asked.
"Oh george! Such a dumb ass you are. Take a look at roof." william laughed and shown something.
There's melissa tied in a net and hooked to the roof. She was hanging in a net, as the net was rough and sharp. Melissa hands and feet were pretty much hurt and bleeding.
To see melissa like that, george caught william's collar. Ready to fight with him.
"Wooh! Wait george, its not like what you're thinking" william laughed and shake off george's hands from his collar.
"You're hurting her, i wont leave william. If something happens to her. I swear on her, your death will be a lesson to some many people for decades" george warned.
"Shut up! What are you thinking? You think that she is a human?" william shouted and later laughed.
George didn't understand what he us saying. Melissa is not trying to escape, because if she wants to escape she can. But there is water beneath her. So, it will reveals her true self. She was struggling and afraid about george.
"What are talking?" george shouted loudly.
"Amelia! Do it" william commanded.
George got afraid of what will happen to melissa. So he again caught william's collar and threatens him.
"Wait george! Im not hurting her. Just see your fiance" william laughed.
As william told, amelia cut off the net then melissa from the net slips into water. In front of george's eyes melissa slowly turned into mermaid. Her lower half changed into mermaid with beautifull shiny scales. She is so beautiful when she was in her true identity.
George lost his consciousness, melissa in that water with her long hair beating the glass to come outside but the glass is too hard to break.
Even though she has her powers, she was afraid that they will harm to george and walter. So, she is struggling in that glass tub. After some time george opened his eyes and recognised that he's been tied with ropes in a chair.
George tried to escape from it, but couldn't escape. He saw melissa that was right infront him.
"Melissa" george is crying.
"Im sorry!" melissa crying by touching the glass.
"Where is my father?" george shouted.
"Son! Im here" a voice from george's behind. Its walter he was tied to a steal long rod in a big glass box. And from a pipe the water coming into his box. That means when the water filled in the box walter will be dead without oxygen.
The water flow is very fast, the water reached to his chest. In few minutes,it will kill walter.
"William, please after so many years. I found who loved me. I found some true love. please i beg you, dont do this" george is begging.
"Wow! The great and handsome prince george is begging me?" william making fun of him.
And here walter was unable to breathe. He was about to die. Then the ring to his middle finger was shined and changed its colour.
Suddenly the outside wheather changed too badly. Amelia went to see outside, there are pitch dark sky and with heavy thundering. And there is the blue sea near to the rainy island.
So, suddenly a big thunder shined and shaken the rainy island for a second. In that shine, amelia saw some thing weird. Its some legs that looks ugly and the foot also has three thick skinned green colour fingers. And with long hair. Her dress is dark green without sleeves and she is so fat with ugly face.
Her face covered with all spots and pimples. Her lips are dry and black in colour.
Amelia turned her face around she can no more dare to see face. Because she is so ugly.
Amelia ran inside, william asked her
"What happened amelia?" william asked.
"There is a ugly women out there. Yack, she is so ugly" amelia feeling uncomfortable.
"You bitch! How dare to kill my freezy?" a base voice came from outside.
"I think she is the one." amelia guessed.
The witch came to rescue them. She just with her hand made the glass broke. So, walter is now able to breathing and looking at her ex and best friend here makes walter so happy.
Then with her powers, she rised her hand up. Then the ropes got cut itself and george also free now. George went to melissa , melissa crying while in the water. George touched the glass, Melissa also with her hand she touched his hand from inside the glass.
"George! Simon! Save melissa" witch commanded.
As she said, the tried to break the glass, then some guards attacked them. There is a big fight. A guard tried to stab george, then walter saved him.
The witch fighting with amelia.
"You ugly fool! How dare to touch me" amelia tried to bite her.
"You filthy bitch! You're so lucky that i touched you"! witch choked amelia.
"leave me" coughing and choking.
Then from the behind, william hit the witch with a rod on her head. Then amelia bite witch's hand.
"Ahhh! You bitch! You will all ways get what you dont want" witch cursed amelia.
"So, you're cursing me! Fool" amelia and william are laughing.
Witch started to react for the poison. Her body loosing the strength she fell down. Walter came to her.
"Simon! Go, escape from here with them" witch cant able to speak.
"No! i wont leave you like this" walter is crying.
"Eww! How can you able to touch her! she so ugly to see." Amelia insulting her.
"Shut up!" a loud voice from outside.
Everybody was shocked, especially melissa and witch.
"Brother" witch whispered.
"Father" melissa surprised.
Melissa's father? george thought and surprised.
The great great great thunder carol was here now. He stood on the land with his big foot,so pale with white beard and with his golden long power magic stick.
How did he came here? melissa surprised by questioning her self.
Flash back.
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