
Chapter 73: Flight

The hike through the sewers was long and winding and dark, but more frustrating for Alessa than anything was the fact that she finally had her sister by her side after all these months and she couldn't talk freely about anything with Sara tagging along. Not about Joe, or Isaac, not about her new empath abilities - and most certainly not about her plans to steal away to safety, far away from the rebels. Now she knew how Janie must have felt on the drama last fall, to be so close and yet so distant.

Alessa had taken a few moments to fill Janie and Sara in on where they were headed, and both were eager to leave Paragon for the new base at Raptor. Alessa had known she'd have difficulty convincing Janie to flee the rebels, which is why she'd originally planned to trick her into coming. But seeing her sister again, the last thing she wanted to do was lie to her.
