
Chapter 48

"Sir, we've found something."

General Beckworth strode across the concrete deck to the edge of the pool, where a scuba diver clung to the side and held up a tiny object.

"What is it?" he asked squatting down to squint at the blob the diver held out in a gloved hand.

"Possible electronic device, sir."

"Can we tell who designed it?" The real question-was it of human or alien origin?

"We'll have to get it back to the lab to take it apart, sir."

"Do it." Immediately the evidence was bagged, tagged, and taken away for a prompt analysis. The military, unlike other legal agencies, had the means and resources for immediate action in these types of matters.

The general surveyed the milling personnel who flocked all over the outdoor swimming area for the hotel the dogs had led them to. Inside, even more staff had the daunting task of questioning all the hotel's guests and employees, so far to no avail. No one had seen or heard anything-yet.
