
Chapter 33

Diana watched the newscast and cried. They'd found him. Kor was alive! He looked battered and worse for wear, but he lived, and that was all that mattered. Diana smirked as she imagined Kil's reaction to the news of Kor's resurrection.

Diana answered the vid comm and saw a jubilant Ele'Anor.

"He's alive," she squealed, and Diana, too overcome, just nodded, her own eyes wet.

"Do you want me to pick you up on the way to the hospital?"

"Yes, please."

Diana switched off the screen and, smiling, dressed in her best karimi. She paced, waiting for Ele'Anor, elation bubbling through her. When she heard the knock, she flew to the door and opened it, expecting to see her mother-in-law, but Kil hulked menacingly on her step instead.

Diana's smile faltered for a moment before she injected steel into her voice and spine. "You need to leave. Kor is back."

"His return changes nothing. You will be mine."
