
Chapter 10

Naomi didn't want to attribute her bad temper to the fact she hadn't seen hide or hair all day of the two idiots whom her wolf wanted to take a bite out of. However, telling herself she didn't care as she cleaned her house in a frenzy, while pretending she was happier with them gone, just agitated her even more.

When her phone rang while she stripped and made her bed-trying to erase the delicious scent of them lingering on the sheets-she needed to race downstairs, her upstairs phone having met the door in a fatal accident earlier that morning during her fit.

Diving onto the shrilly, ringing phone, she answered breathlessly. "Hello."

"Oh my god, did I, like, interrupt you having sex?" Francine's voice started out loud and tapered to an exaggerated whisper.

"What? No, I'm not having sex. Why the hell would you think that?" Naomi replied in disgust-mostly because her body kept begging to have sex-as she flopped on the couch.

"Well, I heard from my mother, who heard from your mother, that apparently you found your two mates. Or they found you. Lucky bitch. And lacrosse players, too. I knew it!"

"You know nothing," grumbled Naomi. "They might think they're my mates, but I am not binding myself to a pair of dumb jocks." With stupidly hot bodies and quirky smiles she refused to think of. "Oh, and thanks for sticking around last night to make sure I was alright."

"Ha. I'd have to be insane to opt for a ringside seat to your brothers brawling. Although, had I known hunky and hunkier were going to show up and start some fireworks, I might have thrown on a hockey helmet and stayed for the show."

"You are such a bitch," Naomi groaned. "Of all the friends in the world, I just had to end up with a sarcastic, smart ass-"

"Don't forget superhot and horny".


Laughter poured from the receiver and Naomi pulled it from her ear and glared at it. When it died off to the occasional giggle, she brought it back to her head. "This is not funny, Francine. Did you know they drugged me and then cuddled me all night long?"

"Oh, the jerks. That's just awful. I'd kill them too if all they did was snuggle me instead of making me scream in orgasm. Yes! Yes! Oh, baby." Francine went in a paroxysm of fake climaxes that made Naomi seriously debate trading her in. Best friend since kindergarten or not, the situation was anything but amusing.

"Francine! This is serious. What am I going to do?" Naomi practically whined. You could ride them until the cows come home, her insidious mind interjected with a snicker. "I don't want to get mated with them."

A loud sigh preceded Francine's answer. "Wow, you are so unnatural for a shifter sometimes, Naomi. I would just love it if I found my stupid mate and here you've got two you don't' want. Care to throw one my way?"

"I thought my brother Mitchell was your one and only," Naomi teased.

"Don't talk to me about your brother, mister I-think-of-you-as-a-sister. My wolf knows it, I bet his wolf knows it, but the idiotic man runs the other way whenever I so much as smile his way. Now stop trying to change the topic. We were talking about those hunky men who want to get into your uptight pants."

"I am not uptight, just selective."

"Did it ever occur to you to expand your horizons? Maybe these guys are like closet geeks who get turned on by math like you do. Have you even bothered to check and see if they discourse in a civilized fashion instead of fist fighting at the first cross eyed look thrown their way?"

Naomi snorted. "You did see them play last night, right? We're talking about the behemoth, the guy who sent some of those players home crying to their mamas."

"Okay, so maybe the bear might be a tad rough, but hey, I bet he's a wild ride in bed." Francine yahooed and made slapping sounds while Naomi sighed and rolled her eyes unseen. Francine didn't have a serious bone in her body and seriously needed to get laid. "What about number sixty-nine?" Francine continued. "He seems like the civilized sort."

"I've heard he beds so many women he owns shares in Trojan." Francine's mirth made Naomi smile-grudgingly. "Anyway, even if they are nice guys, I don't want to just let them mark me and own me just because my wolf is aching to take a bite. I mean, we're talking for life. What if they're like my dad and leave their socks everywhere?"

"Only you would think that's a sin beyond compare. What if they can cook?" Francine countered.

"What if they like country music?"

"Teach them to love techno by stripping to it."

"What if they leave the toilet seat up?"

"They've got some electronic doohickey to take care of that problem, so stop coming up with excuses. Give them a chance. Get to know them. You know, you might be surprised."

"And my family will learn to act civilized instead of rampaging roughshod like animals. Yeah right. Anyway, I better get going. Mom's expecting me for dinner and given how I left last night, I can just imagine the state my brothers will be in. I'll give your love to Mitchell," Naomi sang, making kissy noises.

"Skank. I hate you," Francine replied with a giggle before hanging up.

Wearing a grin of her own, Naomi placed the phone back on the charger and surveyed her place. The fresh scent of lemon Lysol permeated the air, erasing the delectable aroma of her want-to-be-suitors. Now if only she could scrub her mind and body to remove the erotic taint they'd left on her.

A check of the time showed her running late for dinner at her parents. Giving herself a quick wash first, she changed into some well-worn jeans and a blouse. A light brush of her hair, a thin sheen of lip gloss and she headed over to her parent's house. It crossed her mind to wonder if the guys would have the nerve to show up, her mother had invited them after all, but doubtful given her cold attitude toward them. And besides, who would be nuts enough to volunteer for dinner with her family?

Apparently, dumb and dumber were. Upon seeing the Lexus parked at the curb of her parent's house, a myriad of emotions claimed her.

Anticipation-which she squashed. Irritation-which she would soon vent. Pure, panty wetting arousal-she didn't dare give into.

Stalking up the steps, she slammed the door open and discovered a tense silence. Javier and Ethan, perfectly at ease, sat on one couch, while, across from them, sitting and standing in various strained poses were her five brothers and father. She especially enjoyed their pointed glares.

Ignoring the smiles and scowls tossed her way by both parties, she stomped into the kitchen, looking for her mother.

"What are they doing here?" she growled.

Mama didn't even look at her as she pulled a gigantic roast from the oven. "Whatever happened to hello, nice to see you, or do manners no longer matter to you now that you've moved out?"

Swallowing a sigh of impatience, Naomi pecked her mother on a cheek with a brusque. "Hi mom"

"See, that wasn't so hard. As for your question, I told them to come for dinner yesterday, or were you not paying attention?"

"I didn't think they'd actually show up. They left this morning and I thought they were gone for good. Which reminds me, why the hell did you tell them to drug me? They could have been murdering rapists and you gave them permission to incapacitate me!" Naomi's tone got higher and higher as her pent up frustration vented.

"Watch your tone with me, young lady. I know you and your penchant for making mountains out of molehills. Your body needed to rest. I made sure you got it, and look at you, already almost healed. But do I get any thanks for being a caring parent? Oh no, I get yelled at." Her mom turned to face her, her hands flinging upward and matching her facial expression of 'Why me?'

Naomi snorted. "That guilt trip speech might work on dad and the boys, but don't forget I learned from you."

Her mother dropped the pretense and grinned. "Just keeping you in practice. Now as to your beaus, what do you think of them?"

"You tell me. Apparently, you've spoken with them more than I have." Naomi snagged a roll out of the wicker basket and nibbled on it as she perched on a stool.

"Well, that Javier, he's definitely a charmer. You should see the flowers he brought me. I get the impression he's a little shocked by his meeting you."

"Shock or not, that didn't stop him from trying to get a piece this morning," Naomi related with a blush. "The man's a walking sex ad and he knows it."

"Oh, so you're not immune to his charm?" Her mother's bright eyes missed nothing.

"Horny doesn't mean I'm going to tie myself to him. He's a bloody jock, for god's sake. And a womanizer. That doesn't spell happily ever after if you ask me."

"Your father was quite the lady's man before I came into his life. He chased and bedded anything in a skirt. But that all changed once he met me. It will happen with Javier too. You'll see. The mating bond will keep him true," her mother assured. "If not, then he'll learn the mistake of his ways." Her mother held up the carving knife with an evil glint in her eye.

Naomi choked on her bread. "Mom!"

As if she hadn't clued in to the fact she'd just promised bloody violence, her mother continued blithely on as she sliced the roast. "That Ethan, what a polite boy. A little bit shy, but so sweet. I get the impression he's already quite smitten with you."

"The man is a beast. Have you seen the size of his hands? He'd probably break every goddamned thing I own."

"I don't think you're giving him enough credit," her mother intoned, carrying the carved roast on a platter to the dining room while Naomi followed, her own hands full with a basket of buns and a dish of butter. "I saw how gentle he treated you yesterday when you fainted."

"The whole thing is moot anyway. I don't want shifter mates. I want a nice quiet human who won't require me to remodel the house every few months. You, them and a whole army of believers in fate won't convince me to join with them. I have no intention of living in a war zone and needing to buy crazy glue by the case."

"And you are deluding yourself if you think you can escape your destiny," her mother snorted before bellowing, "Dinner!" Small woman, big lungs, Naomi cringed as her mother's bellow right beside her made her ears ring.

A herd of men stampeded into the dining room, still jostling for position even after all these years. Only two chairs were never fought over-mama would kill them if they even dared touch the ones at the foot and head of the table. As if preplanned, Naomi ended up situated between Javier and Ethan. The large table had no trouble accommodating them all. Actually, it could have handled more, which was why she ended up with all her brothers across from her, still scowling.

For some reason, their attitude irritated her. She knew her reasons for not wanting Javier and Ethan here. What the hell was their problem?

"What's got your undies in a wedgie?" she asked as she heaped her plate high with food-mama's cooking was to die for.

"They shouldn't be here," Derrick grumbled with a dark glare.

"And we hear they spent the night at your house," Mitchell added on a growl.

"I assure you, your sister's virtue remains intact. We simply ensured she didn't' come to any ill while incapacitated" Javier replied before she could.

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself," Naomi added with an elbow in Javier's ribs.

"You were unconscious and required protecting," Ethan rumbled.

"No thanks to either of you and your sleeping cocktail."

"They drugged you!" Chris, her usually antagonistic brother, stood up from the table his fists clenched.

"Oh, sit down," her mother ordered. "I told them to dose her because, knowing your sister, she would have cleaned her house top to bottom instead of getting the sleep she required."

Chris sat down, but his eyes shot daggers, which went well with the lasers from her dad, the death wish from Maverick?Dammit, and they all wondered why she wanted to stay away from shifters.

She pretended not to see any of them and went to work on her food. Trust her mother to not let sleeping wolves-bears and jaguars-sleep.

"So Ethan, I heard through the grapevine you have a university degree. What did you study in?" her mother asked. Naomi almost choked. The behemoth went to school? Probably a token degree received through an athletic scholarship.

"Architecture, ma'am. When lacrosse season is out and before hockey season starts, I do freelance work for a few corporations."

She couldn't help the look of incredulity she shot his way. Educated wasn't something she would have accredited him with. Not that it changed her mind about him. He still remained a big, hulking bear.

Her mother beamed at him. "Call me, Meredith. After all, we're almost family."

"Mom!" Naomi shouted almost choking again on her food. "Would you stop that? I am not getting hitched with them."

Pretending she hadn't heard Naomi's outburst, her mother turned to Javier. "What about you? What's your degree in?"

Naomi, despite her claim of disinterest, stopped chewing to hear what he had to say.

"I studied at the same university as Ethan. Their lacrosse team is where we met and became friends. I've got a degree in computer engineering. In the off season, I freelance writing software for two large dot com companies."

An urge to bang her head on the table gripped her. Why did the jocks have to break the mold and prove they owned brains? Not that it changed anything, but it did make it harder for her to hold on to her reasons not to give in to temptation.

The rest of dinner passed with most of the conversation held by her mother and Naomi's suitors. When the talk revolved around to lacrosse and hockey, the male half of her family unbent enough to join in, their love of sports thawing them somewhat.

They weren't the only ones succumbing to warmth, caught between the two of them, Naomi found herself much too conscience of them; the brush of their thighs against hers, the heat of their bodies radiating from them and warming her skin. As if sensing her diverted attention, Ethan's heavy hand dropped onto her thigh, a huge paw that sent scorching heat straight through the fabric of her jeans to her skin below. He squeezed her thigh and Naomi knew she should shove it off, but she feared antagonizing her simmering brothers. Besides, she couldn't fight any longer the arousal which flooded her as if anxious to make up for the way she'd dammed its presence during dinner.

As if her growing awareness of Ethan weren't enough, Javier decided to join the mix, his own tanned hand sliding up and down her upper thigh, brushing so close to the apex of her thighs that she gritted her teeth when he kept missing it.

Desire spiraled inside of her, making her nipples harden and her breathing come quicker. Her unwilling erotic response, however, didn't pass by unnoticed. With a roar of, "That's our baby sister!" her brothers jumped up from the table as her mother shouted, "If you're going to fight at least take it to the living room."

To give Javier and Ethan credit, they stood up with their hands raised in a conciliatory gesture. However, to Naomi's mortification, her Lycan brothers could still smell her arousal and showed them no quarter. Dishes went flying along with fists. Grunts and thumps filled the air as a free for all brawl broke out. It amused, and at the same time annoyed, Naomi to see Ethan plant himself as a wall in front of her, protecting her from the violence with his own body. She almost jabbed him in the kidney for his attempt at chivalry, especially since he'd caused half the current problem. Harming him from behind, though, went against the grain.

Naomi's mother, used to these kinds of outburst, just calmly grabbed what she could and carried it to the kitchen. Naomi stalked after her snarling, "And this is why I want a normal human male." Her mother could only shrug in reply.

To the sound of crashing dishes and yelling, Naomi left without saying goodbye to anybody and jumped in her car. Taking off with a squeal of tires, she headed for home. I should count my lucky stars they all reminded me why sleeping with them, horny or not, is a bad idea.

Of course, her soaking cleft didn't agree. Too freakn' bad.

She slammed into her house, her body taut with tension. Unable to sit still, she grabbed her feather duster and started to clean her spotless home.

It shouldn't have surprised her to hear the doorbell a short while later. She'd actually expected it, but that didn't mean she answered. Humming to herself, she ignored it as she dusted fiercely.

A pounding on the door made her frown. If they dented her door-lovingly refinished a candy apple red with an antique knocker she'd hand polished-she'd dent them.

"Naomi, open the door," Ethan shouted.

"Go away," she hollered back.

"Please, let me apologize first." Ethan sounded so crushed, she ended up biting her lip, the sharp pain preventing her from caving to his demand.

"Let me try," she heard Javier mutter. "Sweetheart, we are so terribly sorry dinner degenerated into chaos. Your mother explained to us how much you dislike it when that happens. There is no excuse for our behavior. What if we promise it won't happen again?"

"Don't worry," she yelled back. "It won't happen again, because I want nothing to do with you. Now go away and leave me alone."

Instead of departing, whispering sounded; however, try as she might, she couldn't make out their words. Despite herself, she edged closer, straining to hear. A hairsbreadth from the door's surface and she still couldn't make out their words even though they still muttered. Annoyed, she crossed her arms over her chest because she drew the line at pressing her ear against the door-barely.

"We have a proposition," Javier announced all of a sudden, startling her. "Give us each a good night kiss, and we'll go away without further ado."

Naomi snorted. "Or how about I just ignore you both and you go away anyway?"

"Please, Naomi. I'll get on my knees and beg you if you'll just open the door and let me say I'm sorry."

It was Ethan's plea along with the knowledge she held the power to bring a behemoth like that to his knees and plead that made her unlock the door and swing it open. She ignored her snickering mind which whispered, 'Liar, You just want a taste', while her damp cleft screamed, 'Let them in-right into your pants.'

Two pairs of eyes locked onto her as she stood framed in the doorway. She held up a finger. "One kiss and you'll leave?"

Both of them slapped their hands over their hearts. "Promise. We are men of our words," Javier added.

"Fine. Let's get this over with so I can mop my kitchen floor. Who's first?"

"Such enthusiasm. You're killing me," Javier muttered as he placed his hands on her waist and drew her forward.

A fluttering sensation started in her stomach as she stared up at him, her gaze fixated on his full lips, which descended with maddening slowness toward her mouth. When he finally touched her lips, her breath hitched, the sensual slide of his mouth over hers driving her crazy. He increased the pressure, the tip of his tongue probing the seam of her lips, which she kept firmly clamped-barely. He didn't pull away at her refusal to comply, but instead grasped her lower lip with his and sucked it. Naomi couldn't help the low groan that slid from her.

With a wet tug, he pulled back, releasing her mouth. Naomi opened her eyes, her lids heavy with burgeoning passion. Javier's lips tilted into a smile. "Again, accept my apology for the dinner fiasco. You have my word, it won't happen again." He brushed her lips once more, a feather light touch, before he drew away with a whispered, "Good night, sweetheart."

Javier's hands slid from her waist with slow reluctance, but before she could mourn their loss on her body, thick paws took their place and turned her. Craning her neck, she peered up at Ethan, wondering how on earth she'd kiss him when he still stretched so far above her. He took care of the problem by lifting her until her mouth came level with his, and yet, he didn't immediately kiss her.

"No matter what, next time your brothers want to vent, I'll walk away. Anything to make you happy," he whispered against her lips before slanting his mouth over hers, his strength evident yet at the same time, restrained and gentle. Already warmed up by Javier's kiss, she sighed against Ethan's mouth and that gave him the opening needed to insinuate his tongue. At the touch of his tongue against hers, arousal swept through her body and made her shudder. Her hands crept up and slid around his neck as she opened wider, letting him plunder the depths of her mouth. It proved a good thing he held her up because Naomi felt absolutely boneless in his hands, her good intentions and ability to even remember her own name destroyed by two powerful kisses.

When Ethan dragged his mouth from hers and set her down, leaning her against the doorjamb, she opened glazed eyes to watch in befuddled confusion as he stepped away from her. "Good night," he rumbled in a voice none too steady. Then he and Javier walked away.

They're actually leaving? As if sensing her incredulity, the two males stopped just before their car and turned to wave.

"See you tomorrow," Ethan growled, his eyes bright and his jaw tight.

"Dream of us," Javier tossed with a grin.

Then, they left taking their delectable touch and sensual promise with them.

Naomi almost cried. Despite her general dislike of what they represented, she still wanted their damned bodies. Her desire pissed her off and the fact she couldn't have them irritated her even more. I can't believe they walked away after one kiss. They had to know how horny I was. Still am. And yet, they'd kept their promise, the jerks.

Her kitchen floor bore the brunt of her displeasure and emerged gleaming. Her pussy on the other hand, no matter how many times she tried to polish it, refused to stay satisfied.
