
Chapter 194: Welcome Distraction

FOR ONCE, LUKE HAD a very good point. Fortunately, we had an explanation.

"Dr. Frankler assured us that Haven takes that into consideration," said Zander. "Remember, Haven helps those who have been vanished to Earth."

When they looked at us with confusion, I explained, "Haven's doctors put the ulami through a series of psychological tests to determine their criminal propensity. Their research confirmed that most of them come to Earth with a moral blank slate."

"It's pretty fascinating," said Zander. "They really can start over because when the vanishment erased their memories, it also erased the events and influences that led them to break the law in the first place."

Luke snorted in disbelief. Zander gave him a dark look. "Just like most humans, most ulami are not evil to the core."

"Dude, you're so wrong. Most humans are evil sons of bitches with little black hearts."
