
Chapter 188: Too Many Aliens

ZANDER AND I HEADED toward our regular lunch table where Ruthie sat waiting for us. Wynona and Luke sprawled across from her where the twins used to sit. My knee-jerk reaction was to look around for Isaac and Phoebe but I reminded myself they weren't coming back. After only two days, I really missed them. Classes weren't the same without them, but their absence was most noticeable at lunch.

Now that the Efotis were aware that people from the Nasaru were in town, they were keeping the twins home, resuming their homeschooling. I couldn't blame them. Their children definitely stood out wherever they went. But it wasn't stopping us from them altogether. In fact, we were planning to meet up with them at my place after school today.

I slid into my seat with a loud sigh.

"Wow," said Wynona. "You look like you lost your best friend."

Ruthie threw an arm around me. "Never!" She squeezed me until I squawked.

"Why so gloomy?" Luke asked.

"She ran into Shrina again," said Zander.
