
Monster Mash


 Matt was swimming frantically through the Valley as he searched for Serenity. With the sun shining brilliantly through the waters, the reddish-orange hue of the sand stood out. The random chunks of rocks scattered throughout the valley didn't match the mountains, so it was a mystery where they came from.

 A single enormous patch of sea grass blurred passed as Matt swam by in search of his wife. Passing numerous boulders and groupings of rock before swimming across a clearing. As he started to approach where the rocky patches started again, he could hear frantic yelling growing louder..

 Matt had been swimming at his top speed for a solid twenty minutes since he'd lost his guards. When he saw Constantine and the two with him off to his side, he felt relief for a split second before panic began to rise in him. They were being chased by a giant fish, and Serenity was no where to be seen.
