
POV Donnell wynewood

When I was little my mother use to tell me the story of the Griffin king and The winged Knight , And there great battle . And how the winged knight slayed the Griffin king atop the Giant's Lance . So when I was little, I dreamed to become a knight like him .

The legend of the winged knight is thousands of years old . He was one of legendary figure from the age of heroes . All kingdoms have a figure like that .

In the westerland they have Lann the clever , In The North Bran the builder , In the Reach Garth Greenhand , And lastly the stromlands Durran Godsgrief.

Though each legend is good but I liked the one that in my homeland more . Though mother could not spend many time with because of her duty grandfather did the most of the story telling .

Father died when I was little so I don't remember him much and my mother remarried . And the stepfather also died because of his weak health . I remembered he was kind and thus we never treated little Wallace as a stepbrother . He's not little anymore and being fostered with Lord Hunter .

I served my brother as his squire for four years . Though he could take A boy of any knights that serving our house as his squire but he did not . He could also take someone from another house. But unfortunately nobody actually sended anyone to fostered at our home . So when he became a knight I become his squire . I was basically my brothers only close companion .

We attended the tourney of harranhall arranged by lord Walter Whent . It will be one the greatest , is what the rumors that we learned . Our house do not actually lacks the amount of knights we have. But after the humiliating death of our father and loss of the Valerian steel sword and the ten best knights made our house weaker in the eyes of other great houses .

So in order recruit few competent knights for our house we attended there . And somehow mother and I already found one in great Melee .

I was with mother that time to guard her and we watched how the fight unfolds . It was truly amazing how the blue colored knight Knocking out one after one of his opponent . Though the last part was truly interesting to watch . But mother lost her interest.

Then come the feast , We met him again but this time in a totally different look . I couldn't actually figure it out that that was same person that fought Lord Bratheon . Well with he's dress we could tell that he's a foreigner . And I can tell that mother is already scheming to recruit him , like every other Lords as well .

And somehow my brother become his drinking partner alongside Lord Bratheons other friends .

Then the crown prince Raegar Targaryen played his Harp and with it a great song . Everyone listened to his song . The name of the song was jenny of old stone maybe and that made few people crying , most of them are woman's .

Then the foreign knight Ser Alan Winters showed us his talent in singing as well . And his voice is as good as the prince . But it was words that used in that song made every man restless . It was like we're all fighting a unending tides of war . And not giving up hope is the only way to win it . And Everyone liked the new song . Though it was quite similar to the tale of Long night .

Then came the tourney my brother lost against his second opponent ,And returned to his new friends and there gambling . And then in the finale prince Raegar won the tourney by defeating Ser Barristan selmy .

But what he did with that victory was something else . A scandalous act that made every souls silent that that day .

We returned to the Vale and for some reason Ser Winters also joined us . As a great entertainer for the ladies and also a great sparing partner for the lords and knights .

And somehow mother got really closer to the knight and my brother Morton as well . But I won't deny it that his stories are truly interesting . And I was somewhat jealous of his squires , Because they were all westerosy and have all the permission to learn sword skills from him ... (sigh ) and good stories.

But the they are all good at fighting as well . And despite all of my training I couldn't defeat any of them . They're all good at sword fight even the veteran knights could not defeat them essily . I spent good amount of my time with them , everything was going good but all the bad things happened when we're ambushed by the mountain raiders .

It was one of the horrifying moment of my entire life . My brother left me to protect mother and the servants but I lost my wit the moment they killed one of the maids . I could not respond, my hands and legs lost their strength I could not move . I thought I was going to be killed that night .

But thankfully we're saved by Ser Alan in the right moment , He and his squires quickly killed them .

Then I saw my brother was injured and most of the knights already been died . And the amount raiders have been killed . It took us

whole night to clean up this place . First we gathered our dead and buried them . And then we burned all the other body's .

All the time I stayed with my brother and Two of ser Alan's injured squires who also got injured by protecting us .

I don't know how to thank them or repay there debt . I will someday , when I'm able to but for now I leave that to my brother and mother .

We returned to the castle safely and but the memories of that day still hunts me . It was in the feast my mother gave us the most surprising news,. And gave my brother the valerian sword . Then we learned it was Ser Alan who recovered it from those savages . And that brought us to tears . We thanked him for avenging our father and returning the sword .

The debt of my house grown each day he stayed in our castle . And then came the expedition idea of his how to get rid the mountain clan's and we agreed because of we needed give those savages some payback.

So.... with months of preparation and gruesome campaign he brought them down to there knees .

Everything was going good but it crashed down on me when they announced that I'll be betrothed to one of that old crone's Granddaughter . I was truly irritated by there decisions but as a duty bound brother I accepted without any question . And the girl that is my betrothed is much better looking than I thought . And I'm going to become a minor Lord of this mountain stronghold so it's better to have a wife that knows this place better .

It's has been a month that I'm living here to watch over the construction of my keep and everyday arrival of new workers and smallfolk families that will be settling here for a better future .

I was talking to my betrothed but the new Maester of my keep disturbed us with a urgent news .

So after reading content fear gripped me again . I learned that Lord Arryn called his banners against the targaryens . And my brother named me Regent of Ironoaks , He explained that mother is pregnant and his wife is also pregnant so not fit for the duty . And grandfather is old could die any day but they will provide me there advice . And he's going to war against Lord Grafton and ordered me to return to Ironoaks imidiatly .

I understand everything but wait .... what ? I know that his wife could get pregnant . But why mother as well ? And with whom ? Though I could guess , it's safe to ask mother in person .

I kinda feel bad to leave this place but duty comes first . And a loyal brother always follows order .
