
390. leaving behind some safeguards.

We woke and then after some time observing the events I and Marceline got ready left some humanculy to keep the casle safe we arrived at the rooftop where the interdimensional gate was fixed I shaped and made myself a male version of Marselin's species still twice her size we then entered the Garganta and we emerged on the other side as I felt spiritual pressure present it should not be such we then looked around as we found ourself's in a building as the power was distant yet some hallows were felt I decided and I changed I grew a bit the wool-like hear changed to become spikes wi the smith skin changed to be red once more with blue and purple tattoos claws sprouted and my eyes reverted to the red variant I got Marceline on a comfortable carry as we flew I jumped and glided she enjoyed the ride while we found ourself's in a place close to the anomaly we reached him and I looked him from moving as I checked the soul and then left him to move he was sweating visibly Marceline was quite giddy since he relly resembled the adul version of the ice captine i smield as i liked the nice expresion he had on his fsce he was exosted and i was sliling relly creaping him up i then olaced my hand on his sholder as i said calmly : If i was you i wood have made some kind of skill to strenghten myself with each breth i take but that is not avealebel to you huh , then i took my hand from his sholder as Marseline asked him mny things wie she was happy i tuched my chest as my soul form separated and then formed a monalith sized creature rather hored and such wile my body loked behind i refused with it to stop the becon being my shoul divinity and such then we opend a garganta heading to another world we enterd and arived i made myself turn back to my more tame form and we went to a hotel were we both a room and then went to rest for the day.
