
Sometimes, even the most right action might not be without regrets  

The king was tied with some sort of vines and this thing just kept on regenerating no matter how many times I cut it. And every time, it grew more and more thorns and the grip just got tighter. 

It was a good thing the king was passed out.

There still wasn't anybody around but I got the feeling we were being watched, meaning something was about to happen. 'Better stay sharp.'

Alisa sighed and pointed her finger at me. Some symbols grew on my hand and I could now use ice. 

"Thanks." I focused on freezing the vine. "Do you mind explaining how this works and how come I can use Imbuition on my body when you're near?"

It couldn't hurt to ask. I never actually asked how I could do it. They did give me hints every now and then but we never had time to actually talk about how it worked. 
