
New determination

After an eternity of nightmares, I woke up. Insects buzzed. I was in a room. It wasn't the same place I slept at. Everything was dark, and it was midnight. Moreover, I was on top of a bed.

There wasn't anybody here in this room and probably there wasn't anyone near the house either. I looked out the window and this was the only house in about a few hundred meter radius.

What am I doing here? Wait, what was I doing to even begin with?

My body was covered in bandages and not herbs: I'd been treated by a proper doctor. It was a good sign that I was treated but my equipment was nowhere to be found. The room had a table. Only a shirt and a note were there. I put on the shirt and read the note.

"I'm leaving this note in case you woke up during the night. I have all your stuff and now sleeping peacefully in my own home. The one you're currently in is the home of a friend of mine who taught me medicine. He's dead if you're wondering.
