
A wolf...? Part2

Sylvia raised her hand to fondly touch the wolf. "Are you here to send me off, darling?" She muttered, half-conscious and half-not.

But unexpectedly… the wolf answered her back…

"NO. I am here to take you with me." The animal's deep husky voice sounded, gruff and unmistakably male.

"Did he just talk to me?" Sylvia blinked, wondering if she was imagining things. 

She looked at the wolf, peering into its deep blue eyes that were similar to her own. 

In her current state, she wouldn't be too surprised if she was delirious and was just seeing things that didn't exist.

But the wolf surprised her once again and it grinned like a human being. "When you can talk why can't I?"

"Umm… I am a human being? And you are a beast?"

The wolf shook its head, letting out a soft chuckle. "Oh, you poor thing. You don't even know who you are."

"What… what did you just say?" Sylvia trembled.
