
Lady Priscella is too kind Part3

Priscella shook her head, signaling the maid to stop overreacting.

"But… But…" The maid stammered and acted very flustered as if she had been the one on whom the hot tea was poured.

"Stop it, Michelle. We are guests here. Let's not be rude to his highness. It's just a small burn." 

Priscella smiled and asked the woman to back down, instantly calming down the situation.

"You too kind, my lady." The maid bowed and put down the whip.

Sylvia couldn't understand the woman's motives but she sighed in relief nevertheless.

She quickly hurried to serve another cup of tea to the Lady, when the maid interjected her and served the tea herself instead.

Sylvia did not care though. She now understood Jane's warnings better.

Lady Priscella was surely not as simple as she looked. The tea was warm but it was not piping hot and it couldn't have possibly hurt her seeping through the thick dress she was wearing and the corset underneath.
