

The squirrel demon brought the glowing acorn closer to the young merchant's mouth, holding it between its tiny front paws. Yoshiko's hands were still covered by the same blue light as if she shared the magical power of that strange item created from nothing.

Enatsu's mouth did not open, and, still sleeping, Yoichi's best friend refused to swallow the acorn. Showing its innate determination, the little squirrel grabbed his nose with its free paw and squeezed it tightly, preventing him from breathing.

After a handful of seconds, Enatsu unconsciously opened his mouth, and the acorn was thrown inside as if it were a large pill of some mysterious medicine.

"Let's go... come on!" Yoshiko muttered, maintaining the same position with both arms stretched forward. After the little squirrel demon's efforts, the young merchant was forced to swallow the acorn.
