
Blood Replenishment

"How is Keith's condition, head healer Berk?" Lucius questioned.


"I was just about to start. We have already administered the sleep inducing medicine, so that he will not suffer in pain as much. We now need to take care of the actual injuries themselves. We were waiting for the sleeping medicine to take effect fully." Head Healer Berk answered.

Lucius nodded his head and gestured for them to continue and not mind him. 

"Should we start, head healer Berk?" The senior healers asked.

"Go ahead." Head Healer permitted.

"The bleed arresting paste has been properly applied and has allowed him to keep his life, but it's in a delicate balance. If his blood is not replenished, he will not survive for long. Healer Toran managed to keep his heart pumping forcefully, but that is not a permanent solution." The senior healer assessed.
