
February 24, 2011.

I always wondered why I experienced all this. I always wondered if anyone cursed me. I always wondered why it had to be me.

But then I always remember, oh! The pain I'm bearing, the suffering I'm keeping within me, the tears that are shed silently, the scars marked on my body, all fall back to that fateful day.

The day my parents died.


I said it wrong.

I meant,

The day I killed my parents.


February 24, 2011.

It was a sunny evening. Very unusual. My parents and I lived at the beach. Just the three of us. No city noise. No interupption. No nothing. Just us three.

I was a young seven year old playful girl. With blue eyes, black wavy hair, and light skin.

My mom always said my smile brightens up her day. My smile is like a sunshine. But ever since she left, there was no reason to smile anymore.

That day, I was home alone. My parents decided to quickly go to the supermarket for some goods. I was asleep when they wanted to leave, so they thought they would make it in time before I wake up.

They were wrong.

I woke up, hungry and thirsty. So I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed my favorite princess cup from the counter and filled it with water. I drank to my satisfaction and set the cup in the sink.

I then walked to the gas cooker. I had watched my mom several times as she switched it on. She had always warned me to stay away from it but I was curious. You can never tame a curious child.

Just like my mom does it, I pulled the knob and twisted it to the left.

And just as I did, the door to the house opened.

I left the kitchen, with the gas cooker still on and met my parents at the door.

"Hey sweetie!" My mom bends to hug me.

My mom. Chrissy Evan. She has blue eyes and blond hair. I loved her very much.

"Hi mom!" I squeal.

My dad also walks in.

"Hey kiddo!" He also hugs me and I smile.

"Hi daddy!"

My dad. Matthew Evans. Black hair and brown eyes.

"Guess what?" He begins. "I bought a little something for you." He pokes my tummy.

"What?!" I squeal.

"It's in the car. Go get it kiddo!" He says and I hurry out of the house.

"I'll get dinner ready!" My mom shouts but my mind is already on the gift.


I rush back into the house.

"Can we go get dinner outside instead?!" I jump excitedly.

"I can just whip up a quick dinner-" My mom argues.

"Please! Pretty please?" I plead.

"C'mon kid let's just have your mom's dinner instead."

"But I want a burger!" I whine.



"Fine." My dad says and he grabs his keys.

"Yayyyy." I pull their hands towards the car.

Minutes later, we are on the road and on our way to get burgers.

"So honey? How was your day alone?" My mom asks

"Well when I woke up, I was hungry so-" The rest of the words were stuck in my mouth.

The car came out of nowhere and it's lights blinded me.

I don't know what happened next, but we were flying.

The car tumbled not once, not twice, not thrice, but so many times.

I hit my head countless times.

The car finally came to a stop.

I hurt everywhere. My hands and legs were not moving and I had a wet water steaming down my face.

"Mom?" I whisper. "Dad? I can't move." I try again. I start to cry.

I'm pulled into a sleep, so I close my eyes to rest.


"She's still alive!"

I open my eyes slowly to see a man over me. I'm being pulled out of the car.

I hear sounds and chatter from everywhere.

"Let's get her parents before-" He's cut off by a loud bang.

I turn my eyes to where the bang came from to see the car in flames. The fire looks so large and hot.

"Mom? Dad?" I whisper.

I suddenly feel a sharp pain on my head and I shout.

"We have to get her to the hospital now!" The man shouts and they wheel me into a van.

I'm being pulled back into sleep again but the man shouts at me.

"Stay awake kid. Stay awake!"

'But I can't.'

I want to say, but I'm too weak and tired to do so.

So I do the proper thing,

I sleep off.

If I had known my whining would cause all this, I wouldn't have persuaded my parents to go out for dinner. I wouldn't have whined, begged and pleaded.

I wouldn't have been born.

Because what's the cause of living if you destroyed the people who gave you life?

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Thanks for reading!!!!!!

oyslynesscreators' thoughts