
Plague Doctor

A week had passed since Hugo's return. Ever since their discussion that day, they put more effort into assisting the Government in dealing with the Plague.

This cooperation included the brand new Plague Doctor Division in it.

They were a minority and consisted of only the most elite of Dancers and doctors. Though the Government tasked Hugo and some other S-rank dancers to protect them, there was really no need for that.

And it seemed the Division thought so too.

"These are the ones who will protect us?" A condescending voice came out from a black crow mask that each of the members of the Division had to wear.

The man who spoke wore a black doctor's coat with white gloves that stuck to his thin and delicate fingers. One could easily tell the difficulty of his profession from the evident wrinkles and scratches on the glove.

And it seemed that he just had a change of gloves.
