
Gavrael (Part XX)

Evie was so shocked she climbed on him frantically. She wrapped her thighs hard around his waist, surprising him.

He froze as she gripped him as hard as she could.

"Wh-what are you doing you… you brute!" she yelped, scolding him. "What am I going to do now? My clothes… they're all wet now!"

When he did not make a move nor a sound, Evie slowly calmed down and looked at him closely, wondering what was wrong with him that he went so still he was as good as a statue. It was then that she realized what was going on.

Her face turned red, and she immediately unclasped her thighs that were wrapped tightly around him. But he quickly grabbed them and placed them back at the same position they were previously at on his waist, causing her eyes to turn wide. If possible, her face flushed into a deeper shade of red that Gavrael noted with much interest it seemed to be similar to the colour of a very ripe strawberry.
